So, the Mrs, had a minor nose to tail in the rain and did some very minor damage to the back of a 2004 Corolla. She took photos just in case, and we were amazed when the insurance company sent a bill of 5000 dollars.
We asked to see the photos and panel beaters report and when the sent them it shows that the Chinese Corolla driver has been in a second accident causing damage all over the car that they tried to pin on the Mrs.
They have since revised the bill to 2500, but we still think it is way too excessive for the minor damage that was caused to only the rear bumper.
We do not deny liability and offered them 1000 which we thought was fair for the damage caused.they refused . Any ideas on how best to deal with this issue given neither of us can prove what damage was caused by who! They are sending in the debt collectors, but we refuse to pay 2500 for rear bumper damage.
Dec 17, 3:15am
Firstly, you can advise the debt collectors that the debt is in dispute, that puts things on hold. Do this in writing explaining the situation and call the company as well. Make sure you get confirmation in return from the debt collectors.
Then I would consider advising the insurance company in writing the their customer is attempting to commit insurance fraud. Make your offer of repayment again and advise that unless the offer is accepted or just the damage to the bumper assessed on its own you will be taking them to the disputes tribunual.
Also, consider Police involvement, you could advise the person who you crashed into that this is your intention and they may change their claim with the insurance company. The Police should be able to ascertain from the damage on your vehicle and description of the accident that a second accident has occurred.
This evidence can then be used at the disputes tribunal if need be.
Dec 17, 3:17am
plastic rear bumpers do a very good job of hiding quite severe damage just underneath them. The bumper springs back to shape immediately after you hit it, however all the steal underneath that is hiddent from veiw can be badly bent.
And why isnt your insurance company paying the bill!
Dec 17, 3:17am
Also, get it in writing exactly what is being repaired for the $2500, you may be surprised often with quite minor rear end collisions there can be quite a lot of damage done under the bumper. Its not uncommon for a repair like that which looks superficially minor to be quite expensive and easily be $2500.
Dec 17, 3:18am
+1 Snap!
Dec 17, 3:23am
Thanks for the comments.
She was uninsured obviously.
Dec 17, 3:29am
I understand there can be hidden nasties behind plastic bumpers but my main concern is how will we ever know/be able to prove what damage was caused in the first accident and what further damage was caused in the second (unreported) accident.
Dec 17, 3:30am
Many people overlook the fact that 3rd party insurance not only coversyou against damage you may cause to other vehicles but equally importantly ensures you have an insurance company working on your behalf when in dispute.
Dec 17, 3:31am
Can you post the photos you have of the cars!
Dec 17, 3:38am
can do.may take a while.
Dec 17, 3:46am
Pay the bill don't stir it up or else they can call the police and you ,may get a ticket for careless driving and take you to the tribunal. it was your fault. i suggest getting 3rd party insurance after this incident. good luck.
This is in Aussie mate, hey jonesy she be pretty big job.
Dec 17, 4:00am
FFS if you're in Australia it's worth mentioning in the first post. Idiot.
Dec 17, 4:03am
Hmmmm its a pity the photos are so close up. If you had some that showed other parts of the car were clearly undamaged it would help a lot at the disputes tribunal.
Still worth comparing the photos you have to the vehicle assessment ones, you might strike it lucky and see major damage on the left side where your photo shows it as undamaged.
Dec 17, 4:05am
Not too convinced that the Disputes Tribunal has any pull in Aussie
Dec 17, 4:08am
Right, sorry I just got back to the thread and missed that bit. No doubt there is a similar setup over there though.
Dec 17, 4:14am
I wouldn't be surprised if that was $2500 for just the bumper. I clipped the back of a Honda years ago that was $2500 or so to fix. Colour coded bumpers, bumper mounts, etc.
See if they'll take it to your choice of panelbeater.
Dec 17, 4:15am
Thanks, do have the panel beaters photos, but on another computer.
Yes there are large white paint scrapes on the assesors pictures of the rear bumper along witha repair/replace list for damage on the front and sides of the car which were nothing to do with our accident.
From the photos I've posted would it appear that the beaver panel would need to be replaced !
Dec 17, 4:32am
From the damage done to that bumper in the pic i wouldn't be surprised if there is substantial damage to the steel structure of the car in question. Face it. You're fucked. pay up move on. and get insurance.
Dec 17, 4:33am
You think the OSF chassis rail would be damaged rednsr!
Dec 17, 5:47am
PAY UP scrooge!
Dec 17, 5:56am
Police won't be interested. This is a civil matter.
Dec 17, 5:24pm
Get therepairer toseparate the rear damage from the frontal damage . If driver didnt hit anyone in front , then he is using you to pay for his other work . How does a rear collision require thefront chassis rail to need fixing !.May need to pay him a visit with a few heavies &get him topay up for his damage. Cant see any other way legally .
Dec 17, 7:12pm
In my mind its VERY simple. FRAUD has been commmitted by the owner of the corolla. As such immediately it calls into question the legitimacy of their claim. Given the accident between you and them was a nose to tail with no other vehicles concerned then that cannot be questioned. IE the repairs are to parts of the car with no relationship whatsoever with the damage you could conceivably damaged. If it was me I'd be going in all gunz blazing stating you accept NO responsibility for the damage to the car given clearly it has been involved in another accident which did substantial damage. You can always back down from there to your origonal offer
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