Have brought a waste spark setup, wired it in etc and the car is now back firing excessively and lagging and sort of missing only when you drive the car its fine when its idling. Anyone have any info would be much appreciated, pretty sure ive wired it up right.
Jun 17, 2:07am
leads could be around the wrong way i have seen a set that were numbered wrong from new. Im not a big fan of wasted spark setups decent condition coils work alot beter
Jun 17, 2:08am
How do you know what way round they go! I did try play around with them a bit before but nothing changed.
Jun 17, 2:31am
cool, back firing! awsome.
Jun 17, 2:37am
Firing order I think on them was something like 1-5-3-6-2-4.
So, in theory Leads 1 & 6 should betogether, 5 & 2 together and 3 & 4 together.
I agree though, Wasted spark is a waste of time, individual coils is the way to go!
Jun 17, 6:08pm
A single coil will spark happily to 7500rpm,and its the 1st spark that counts,not the trailing spark,all that trailing spark "may"do is lower emmissions leaving head. THEN get this,(if you got the dumb thing working) the o2 sensor would see a lean mix and over flood the motor with petrol.Say if yr computor is aiming at 13.5 to 1 fueling(rich ish), after wasted spark that mix will show at 02 as 16.8 to 1(lean), computor will think its under fueling and add fuel, then yr cylinders woul end up with 10.8 to 1 so then the 02 would see 13.5 to one.,,But the cylinders cant fire any richer than,12 to 1,Yr proble spending money to make problems
Jun 17, 6:10pm
All corosponding leads add up to 7 ie 1 & 65 & 23 & 4 like the post above the ""7"" is a comment givin to me by a dyno tuner i know .Handy
Jun 17, 6:20pm
The computer cannot facilitate a wide-band O2 sensor, so this is just useless ramblings.
Check your leads are correct. Why did you not go with coil over plugs! A bit more costly but much more effective. My bike runs waste spark and that system got dropped for coil over plug, works much better, and it's an engine pulling 15,000rpm.
Jun 17, 6:48pm
Wasted spark is fine unless you're running >10,000RPM, something's amiss with the install or tune, the wasted spark system won't be the problem.
Jun 17, 11:46pm
wasted spark order are as follows. 1-6, 3-4, 2-5, now that's the easy bit.
Note it now fires two cylinders at once.
When you brought your wasted spark system did they tell you that you'd need a 1K resistor between the number 1 and number 6 trigger wire from the distribution block mounted to the coil cover.(the rectangle looking thing that has 7 wires going in and six coming out!)
Why you ask.
the sender from the number one coil that tells the ECU when your number one cylinder is at TDC and start sequence etc etc is now getting two signals from the coil, as it is getting feed back from the number 6 coil that fires half a revolution later on the number 1 cylinders exhaust stroke.
short story your ECU is getting two messages and doesn't know which one to act on.
i recommend you go see your local auto sparky.
Jun 17, 11:47pm
of course that depends on who sold you the wasted spark system. a descent set will come with the resistor already set up
Jun 17, 11:48pm
ever brought a set of individual coils for a nissan skyline!
didnt think so
Jun 18, 5:48pm
Short story,, change one aspect of a computor setup and it will mis-align 2 to 7! other parts of the tune. Tell me that not true.
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