Welding Question, not really motoring but.

kenw1, Aug 7, 3:51am
I need to butt weld some 43mm steel pipes together 2 6 metre lengths to make a 12 m length.Guess a good bevel on the joint and spot it at a number of places, then go round the tube.Any other tips or suggestions.Thanks

philltauranga, Aug 7, 3:57am
Vice grip a string line from one end of the pipe to the other if it needs to be straight. 3 layer weld aswell maby, it may be to small diameter for 3 layer tho!

morrisman1, Aug 7, 4:01am
clamp it into a piece of angle iron which you know is straight.

msigg, Aug 7, 4:27am
when welding it start in treee different places/opposite to try minimise distortion.

mrfxit, Aug 7, 4:37am
Yep, agreed
Personally but proviso of not "seeing" the pipe

Half depth bevel
3 "spots" at equal distance (check straightness)
3 in between "spots" (check again)
3 joining strips between spots (check agaih)
Carry on joining spots.
If the weld looks really tidy & CLEAN full layer over top all the way around in 1 go if possible, (rollers are really handy for this.)

whqqsh, Aug 7, 4:43am
our guys have made a large wide hose clamp like device with holes for tacking through, works well

gunhand, Aug 7, 4:46am
I tried welding up a treee once, bloody awkward and resulted in said treee being set on fire, and getting the panels up there is a pain. Bit embarassing explaining it to the fire dept.

Only havin a laugh, I know what ya really mean LOL.

carclan, Aug 7, 2:28pm
Sleeve the pipe if you have sufficient material. If welding, the weld needs to be at least as thick as the material you are welding so you will most likely need a root run first.

kenw1, Aug 8, 2:26am
Thanks for all the input, now to clear the workshop out enough to get a 12M run of pipe across the floor.

Funny enough, it will be going up into a tree, but as the start of a 25M aerial mast.

Not quite as ambitious as this though.http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/bigbertha.htm