Wanna buy a car

lovesong, Aug 4, 9:38pm
I am looking for a car to buy.
Can I normaly get discount if I ask for ! (im going to car dealer)
Im not sure if I should ask.

kazbanz, Aug 4, 9:42pm
Short version--if you don't ask you don't get.
But do you research first. No point expecting a discount when its the cheapest example of a make/model/year in town -but still ask the question

paulap, Aug 4, 9:44pm
If you have cash give it a go. They can only say no and then you try at another car yard.

I wanted a car way out of my budget. I asked if I could get it cheaper. He said no. I left it at that. He wanted the sale so came back to me with a price. I told him my final amount. He lowered price again.

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 9:53pm
I was looking at buying a car 4 months ago. It was on the yard for $9k which I thought was reasonable. My wife suggested we offer $7k and I laughed at her saying "good luck with that". So, she offered $7k and the dealer said he'd phone us back. Much to my amazament, the dealer said he'd take $7200 and pay for another 3 months rego as it was about to expire. So anything is possible.

The last car I bought was five years ago, which was on the yard at $8k which was a touch pricey, but the car was immaculate. I could not negotiate the price at all. I even tried suggesting adding a tow bar as part of the deal, but no. The dealer wouldn't budge. I bought the car anyway, as I knew it was well looked after and to this day, the car was faultless.

msj23, Aug 4, 9:54pm
All that means is that you should listen to your wife more often buddy

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 10:00pm
Yes, but thanks to her we now we stuck with a Hyundai.

jason18, Aug 4, 10:15pm
We got our Primera for 11k when it was advertised for 14k so no harm in asking. Just never walk in with a big attitude expecting everything.

vista5, Aug 4, 10:36pm
I too was car hunting yesterday one question i was asked was "did i own my own home" i actually found this question intimidating. i'm looking to buy a car and not a house.There was one car there i liked but i walked away from it because of that question.

kazbanz, Aug 4, 10:58pm
hang on Vista were you asking about financefor the car!
The reason I ask is thatits much easier to get car finance as a home owner and the maximum term for the loan goes from 4 to 5 years.
Otherwise theres no reason to ask if you own your home-none of their bizzo

kazbanz, Aug 4, 10:59pm
No what it means is that the market research wasn't done before going into the yard

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 11:08pm
The car I bought is still selling for $9k to $11k. I think I've done pretty well, or she rather.

kazbanz, Aug 4, 11:13pm
Advertised for or actually selling for.
He bit he bitnow to reel him in

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 11:25pm
Oh.good point. Yeah, advertised. But, the wife wanted it.I'm not into Hyundais. Still, I couldn't get any other car of the same year and size for the same money, so I don't feel like we got ripped.

mugenb20b, Aug 4, 11:27pm
He drove from Wellington to Palmerston North on a Sunday on his day off to negotiate the price.was he desparate for a sale!

kazbanz, Aug 4, 11:32pm
Ok being serious for a mo.-- Hyundai's tend to be about $2000 cheaper than comparable jap cars. Yep some dealers are hurting pretty badly at the moment so are desperate to put some money in the till to cover expenses.

lovesong, Aug 5, 12:39am
thanks everyone !
i like the car toyota 18k year 200755000km.
i need to go by myself to talk.hope I can get the best price.

vista5, Aug 5, 5:08am
For kazbanz: after i was asked that question.only then did i tell him that i didnt need any financing i was paying cash.

ratherbefishin, Aug 5, 2:56pm
Mate, even the Hyundai hate trading back that crap. I wouldn't buy trade or sell, Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia,.anything like that is shocking crap, stick to Toyota, Nissan, Holden and Ford, then you can't go wrong for yourself. That's my 5c worth.

kazbanz, Aug 5, 4:37pm
Ahh well someone lost a sale by being silly.

eagles9999, Aug 5, 7:08pm
And what do you think your 5c is actually worth!

tigra, Aug 5, 8:12pm
Never ever ask for a "discount" Do some research and offer a specified amount .usually lower than the prices you have seen elsewhere, and be prepared to negotiate a little.

subs1, Aug 5, 10:45pm
Usual thing people ask is " whats your bottom line ! "
Don't pee arround , just offer what you think is a fair price and then negotiate