Stupid Trademe search - auto redirect

humvee, Jul 29, 8:16am
Any one know how to stop the search being stupid and auto redirecting me to the "cars" category when I do a search like "5w30" or "5w30 oil" - I want Oil nota car

I notice the same thing happens if I search for "heritage fruit trees" I get redirected to Real estate - I want a tree not a house

intrade, Jul 29, 8:25am
maybe you got a problem with your compotors operation system!
i guess you run winblows and interweb exploder IE! because i got no such problems on linux or macintosh when i search all items.
Also oil you probably find cheapest from supercheap auto when they got special deals or exclusive bretherens and other autoparts supplyer. forexample i got fuchs vw audi bmw porsche fully sinthetic oil for 65$ for 5liter pack and i buy 10 liter trade packs for older diesel and petrol cars from supercheap valvoline.

humvee, Jul 29, 9:05am
I'm actually using chrome. I just tested again it only happens If I set region to Canterbury if it is set to all nz it seems to work ok

sr2, Jul 29, 4:19pm
LOL: Brilliant answer, I??