Civic turn key on then 2 min L8tr it cuts out !

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jae9, Jul 23, 4:47am
thinking it may be the ignition control module as there is a clicking noise just as it cuts out.
Then it could be the main relay.

the orange check engine warning light comes on then you start to hear like it is shorting either near the main relay or by the ignition control unit then it just dies.then you turn it off, wait 10/15 seconds and turn back on and if the orange light is off it wont start again. it turns over but it wont fire.

Turn it off again, wait 10 or 15 sec, turn it back on and if the orange light is off it will start, and continues to run until the orange light comes back on again then it cuts out.

carkitter, Jul 23, 4:53am
Bridge the service connector and read the fault code.

bigfatmat1, Jul 23, 4:57am
might be a bit early for that might need to look at the led on computer. either way would be my first point of call. 91 had problems with the tdc sensor coming unglued inside the dizzy.

jae9, Jul 23, 7:52am
All information appreciated.thank you

the-lada-dude, Jul 23, 2:06pm
i'd go for the coil or pick up in the distributor, repco have coils for about $60 trade depending on type last quote from sparkie was $104 but you will have to pay a bit more for taking distout / in

jae9, Jul 23, 3:12pm
thanks, at least we can now discribe what we have noted.

splinter67, Jul 23, 3:18pm
Let us know what the auto sparky says good luck hope it don't cost too much

tmenz, Jul 23, 3:44pm
If it's an OKI igniter, then it's probably faulty - if it's an HITACHI, then it will be OK.

tmenz, Jul 23, 3:47pm
The cracks in the solder joints are almost invisible - even with a magnifying glass - a multimeter is usually the best way to check them.

jae9, Jul 26, 2:20am
thanks, koz we r not that well off financially, (teenagers)

changed the relay and had the same problem(got parts for $15),we now think it may be the fuel pump, ( something to do with the main relay controls though), try more before take to auto lease we know the cost wont be tooo expensive as we narrow it down.

jae9, Jul 26, 2:22am
think husband may end up a local on this sight now he knows it exist.
He did some soldiering.

etimret, Jul 26, 4:04am
Has it got oil in the motor!

bigfatmat1, Jul 26, 4:18am
check light on its hardly going to be a fuel pump

fordcrzy, Jul 26, 4:28am
is it a 1600 dohc SI or the 1500 engine! my 1600 si had similar issues and it turned out to be a fault on the little circuit board in the dizzy (under a cover deep inside) when it warmed up one of the spade terminals would lose good contact and the car wold die. just a quick crimp up and all was god again

jae9, Jul 26, 2:54pm
no, its a 1500 honda civic 1991

cowlover, Jul 26, 8:22pm
Well that probably explains it !

fordcrzy, Jul 27, 1:25am
haha. unfortunate keyboard error! :)