1920's Car Wanted for display

nev48, Jul 20, 4:55am
Hi, does anyone have or know of anyone that has a 1920's era car that would be willing to park it outside a ballroom entrance for an hour or two on the evening of Aug 11th in central New Plymouth!

moosie_21, Jul 20, 5:25am
We have plenty over here in Napier, don't know if the Art Deco Trust here can help you or not.

morrisman1, Jul 20, 3:20pm
I know its not 1920s but Jazz would probably be happy to loan the Multipla

stevo2, Jul 20, 3:37pm

nev48, Jul 20, 10:36pm
thanks for the suggestions :)

Morrisman1 - can you please expand on Jazz! thanks

hotrodtodd1, Jul 21, 2:39am
Ring Arthur & Low in NP on monday & ask to talk to Robbie. He has an orange Essex hot rod in the shed