Insuring a car in the states while roadtripping

mig5, Jul 19, 1:33am
Hi, on the off chance, does anyone here have experience buying, and insuring a car while driving in the states!Any tips or tricks, doing my homework on it, seems like a bit of a black art so if anyone has any knowledge it'd be greatly appreciated.

mig5, Jul 20, 8:47pm

sas777, Jul 20, 9:48pm
Did some driving in California around 10 years ago, but I hired a car not purchased.
As I remember they insisted on a lot of ID - my passport and licence weren't enough so had to get a letter from hotel stating where I 'lived'. The minimum age for car hire to a foreigner was 25 so I guess that's to cover the insurance.
I would think each state would be different as well.

You could look in the library for Lonely Planet and Rough Guide books, they will be full of info.

mig5, Jul 20, 9:59pm
Hi, thanks. Yup have done those and googled extensively, the problem being everyone has a different opinion, and its hard to find current info. Was hoping someone here who'd brought in a car might've had similar experience and some advice.

fordcrzy, Jul 20, 10:29pm
i have heard that california is a pain to get it sorted so some of its neighbourstates are a better place to try.

db.price, Jul 20, 10:56pm
I bought a car in California and simply contacted a Insurance Broker in the area and went and saw him.It was more expensive because I only had a NZ drivers license but cheap compared to what may have happened if I had an accident.

The car I had was a 98 Ford Taurus wagon worth about $2K and the insurance was around $200 for full cover for a 6 month term.

The broker was really helpful and had it all done in under an hour.Just needed the rego and VIN details for him.

db.price, Jul 20, 10:57pm
Oh this was back in 2005 so reasonably recent

tantric5, Jul 20, 11:01pm
I bought a corvette and insured it as I was over there for quite some time and OMG cost me a fortune.

t-buck, Jul 20, 11:08pm
dairyland insurance

mig5, Jul 21, 1:02am
Thanks guys, appreciate the help.

Were you guys staying there longterm! I'm planning on travelling, so won't have a longterm address.