Ive seen the most god ugly car ever

whqqsh, Aug 29, 11:01pm
( & no, not mine in my driveway!) a gold coloured 'thing', looked like a Rolls front grafted onto a convertable something, It had wrap around type tail-lights like on a tacky Jappa but was quite big. I only caught a few short glimpses of it (I feel a bit lucky & cheated at the same time) but it really was foul. Anyone else in South Aucks spotted this mobile turd!

smac, Aug 29, 11:22pm
Almost sounds like a Zimmer!

timid_, Aug 29, 11:35pm
In South Auckland that's common. What do you mean!

whqqsh, Aug 29, 11:37pm
no way, far far worse than one of those

timid_, Aug 29, 11:42pm
Worse!!!!! Are you sure! That would be documentary material LOL!

unclejake, Aug 29, 11:55pm
You sure it wasn't Jazz's Mitsuoka Galue convertible!

mantagsi, Aug 30, 12:04am
Mitsuoka are a repeat offender in this category

whqqsh, Aug 30, 12:19am
shit no, imagine the gold Gook hearse thats on here, take that same level of over the top tackyness & apply it to a convertable

supernova2, Aug 30, 12:53am
It's one of those cut and shut things that used to happen in back yards.Well probably still happens in St Dorkland.

friendly_prawn, Aug 30, 1:17am

whqqsh, Aug 30, 1:49am
Im pretty sure it was home made, thinking on it more the back was sort of 2000s Camaro /MX5 sort of shape rear end, quite long with a early Rolls front & caved in sides. jeezus it was like a full body dry heave on wheels

afer_daily, Aug 30, 2:14am
so it wasnt a multipla then

trouser, Aug 30, 2:27am
or a nissan juke!

gammelvind, Aug 30, 2:32am
friendly_prawn wrote:

factory ugly! or home made ugly.
Not in amoungst this lot is it!

God there are some truly ugly cars there, and no less than 6 pictures of the Multipla hahaha

berg, Aug 30, 2:52am
Anybody remember the XR Falcon fronted, Transit (or something) bodied camper that was round a few years back. Uglier than a bucket of busted bumholes.

movnon, Aug 30, 3:54am

shore_girl, Aug 30, 4:52am
I think I've seen that around the East Tamaki area. The rear tail lights look like they are off a DB7!

gooddealz2, Aug 30, 6:25am
shit no, imagine the gold Gook hearse thats on here, take that same level of over the top tackyness & apply it to a convertable


whqqsh (552 )

I actually quite fancy that hearse if I had any money. I've got a diecast model of one I've had for years.

icemans1, Aug 30, 9:34am
i knew there would have to be a ford in there
