Shipping car to australia

pete_iam, Aug 25, 6:42pm
has anybody done this for personal imports!
i see you have to fill out application form and $50fee
but how do you find out what taxes etc there are to pay to
get the vehicle on the road!

sw20, Aug 25, 6:51pm
It depends on the State.

Just google personal car import and the state you want to go to, its all in black and white on each states legislative websites.

kazbanz, Aug 25, 7:11pm
as SW20 says -first of all it depends on the state but also its well worth making dead sure its economical to do so. by that. what is the same make/model for sale for in auzzie and whats it gonna cost IN TOTAL to ship it and get it on the road in auzzie

fryan1962, Aug 25, 7:23pm
Pete is it your car here! have you own for a while and your moving over!

I shipped mine from Melbourne to auckland, because it was with my personal goods and motorbike 5k au

phillip.weston, Aug 25, 10:04pm
OK you will want to lodge an application within 6 months of landing in Aus to live, and once approved then you can take your time to bring the car in. You will be looking at about $2000-3000 for freight, and then another $1000-2000 for compliance costs and registration. The air con needs to be degassed upon arrival into Aus which you will be charged for.

Visit and speak to Kristian about the whole process. They specialise in the personal import scheme and know the system inside and out. I was looking at bring two cars to Australia, but didn't for a number of reasons, the main one being I failed to lodge an application inside the 6 month window of being in Australia, and one of the cars would have cost just as much to buy in Australia once the freight and fees were added on top.

In short, unless the car is a very special car that you can't get in Australia I wouldn't bother.

Can you tell us the car just out of curiousity!

pete_iam, Aug 26, 1:28am
yes thats the one, had it since 2006. am already in oz since 6 weeks

fryan1962, Aug 26, 3:09am
it is classified as personal effects. you have to hang onto it for 12 mnths and sign stat declaration

where in oz!

melbourne one w.o.f for the life of the car

pete_iam, Aug 26, 4:19pm
gold coast

phillip.weston, Aug 26, 6:16pm
Pete you will be better off just selling in NZ and then finding a similar car in QLD or even northern NSW. It will not be worth it by the time you've brought it over.

pete_iam, Aug 27, 3:57am
i have not seen one like it here or online. found out the shipping cost is 1200 nzd, just have to find out how much to get it on the qld roads costs.

NZTools, Aug 27, 4:12am
You might want to find out why there are very very few turbo liberty's (legacy's) over there before you go to the expense of getting it on a boat.

pete_iam, Aug 27, 4:15am
1200 for shipping
value of car 10knzd landed so 7800aud landed value
5%duty 390aud
10% gst 780aud

shipping and taxes = $2800nzd plus whatever else to get it on the road

pete_iam, Aug 27, 4:21am
because they dont import ones called legacy and liberty arent so much a turbo version!

NZTools, Aug 27, 4:28am
Nope. Liberty is just the badge they put on legacy's for sale in oz. Same as a toyota kluger over there, is a toyota Highlander here, Only difference is the badge. and in Subaru's case, you never see turbo versions over there Dont ask me why, coz I dont know. Phil might though.

modie61, Aug 27, 4:32am
Probably cause they cant handle the heat !

NZTools, Aug 27, 4:36am
Cant argue with that.

A quick look on ebay and there is only 5 turbo liberty's listed. they are there, but damn rare it seems.

hijacka, Aug 27, 6:27am
Actually its because of the Aus $$.
If all the red necks had a taste of what the jdm market has to offer most would be ditching there boring holdens and fords and buying a quality jappa but the problem is there is that there are no ''quality jappas'' over there unless you want to pay moon beams for one. They are all lower spec de tuned aus assembled pos and are way less appealing to the buyer so people buy in to the holdens and fords and keep there spent money in there country to help the dollar.

doctor_evil99, Aug 27, 6:41am
We looked at bringing our 3 yr old Honda across. in all It would be something like 10-12K (Freight, compliance cost, duty etc.)A brand new Honda Euro is 32K here. If it's just a Joe Blogg model, I wouldn't be bothered.A guy from my work brought a E46 BMW M3 over and it was something like 17K on all cost.I was told it's worth it because it's rare to get a manual one here.

modie61, Aug 28, 2:22am
Visited Sydney last year and couldnt believe how many euros there was,heaps of lowered etc Mercs around.

franc123, Aug 28, 2:51am
Cool story, but not accurate. Toyota is the only Jap assembler left in Australia, and its doubtful there would be many complaints about the quality of them, everything else is fully imported but made of course to Australian market specs and whatevers needed for ADR compliance, they are built in the same plants in Japan as their own stuff, or from Thailand etc as NZ new cars are . If JDM spec cars were being demanded they would be supplied, but they are not, they would be far too expensive to be sold, ditto if equivalent cars were sold here new. The prices for used ones here would also be moonbeams if there wasn't imports of used ones from Japan, 25 years ago the situation here was similar, if anything was worse than Australia, even a used Kingswood, early Commodore or XD Falcon etc at that time actually cost far more here than it did there.

vjregal770, Aug 28, 2:31pm
We came from Aus to NZ in 1979, and the place was like Russia without the bread queues - and not just in terms of the availability/affordability of a half-decent car. Everything from electrical goods to Matchbox cars cost 2, 3, 5, 10 times as much as it did in Aussie.

Things didn't start to turn around until well into the 1980s here.

It's not so much that Aussie cars have gotten dearer, just NZ's have gotten cheaper thanks to getting rid of the unaffordable assembly industry we had. Good riddance to them too. Dealers had you by the balls back then.

fryan1962, Aug 28, 3:56pm
we must have crossed paths, I went to oz in 1980. I had an xa Fairmont v8 tbar auto $2800, here in nz was $10k at the time
deregulation of car market has been great for the kiwis

matthew111, Aug 28, 4:03pm
dont. they do have cars in Australia.

vjregal770, Aug 28, 4:54pm
Yep. Dad only wish he knew before leaving. He had enough to buy a then-new VC Commodore, bring that over instead of the LC and HB Toranas we had, keep it for the mandatory 2 years, then sell here it for more than he paid for it anyway, which would have made for a very substantial house deposit. (The first house we stayed in in Papatoetoe was on the market for 32 grand in 1980, the theoretical Commy would have been around 15K or so IIRC).