Your opinions please. A car is listed on tm as an auction days from auction close the condition of the car changes substantialy

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kazbanz, Aug 23, 8:44am
A car is listed on TM as an auction. Days from auction close The condition of the car changes substantialy (in the sellers view) for theworse OR there was a (in the sellers view) sunstantial error in the initial listing.
If you had placed a bid on that car what action by the seller would you feel was the fairest for you!
A) remove all bids with a clear apology and clear reference to the changed details-ie giving you the chance not to bid
B)cancel the whole action and start a new one
C)a clear note made in the Q and A section stating the correct information
D) another option I havent thought of.

intrade, Aug 23, 9:49am
remove all bids as the last one is the only one the one befor was not going to get it anyhow unless he outbid the top bidder. And clearly state reason for removal off all bids

jcwholesale, Aug 23, 11:00am
Cancel the auction and start a new one, with a clear note in the Q&A section as to the reason why.

intrade, Aug 23, 12:58pm
that will cost you to cancel a auction .

sifty, Aug 23, 1:54pm
I just bought something from the uk via eBay. The seller contacted me prior to the auction ending advising his postage rate was far more than his previous estimate, and offered to remove my bid.

As it was something I really needed and they are quite rare I let him know I was prepared to let my bid stand.

It is all about communication.

friendly_prawn, Aug 23, 2:12pm
I would state clearly what has happened in Qs and As and ask bidders to let me know if they want their bids removed.

But then i think that would also depend on the value of the mistake.
Stuffed motor on an auction that had quite high bids!
Then I think you would have no choice but to pull the auction and relist it.

But then that would also depend. Are there onlya couple of bids. If so just remove the bids.

Has the auction nearly closed before the mistake was found.
If so you'll probably have no ond on your watch list that isgoing to be interested in a late model car with a stuffed motor. In this instance you would be doing your self a huge diservice not relisting it.

All depends on the situation Kaz.

thunderbolt, Aug 23, 2:52pm
Depends how significant the change and how much it changes the value of the car.
If leading bidder does not return in time to read the new comments in the Q&A, and placed their bid based on the condition of the vehicle at the time, they would have a good case to walk from the "contract"

tigra, Aug 23, 3:17pm
Unfortunately many bidders and prospective bidders dont read the Q&A or the Comments. better to cancel the auction or Edit it to make it clear (pref. at top of auction) what the changed condition involves.

kazbanz, Aug 23, 3:39pm
This is all assuming the fault developed days before auction close.

My problem with the Q and A option is that that dissapears fairly quickly after auction close. So a buyer could later demy it was there.

stevel_knievel, Aug 23, 3:49pm
Print it up

kazbanz, Aug 25, 9:42pm
sorry guys but i'd like more peoples views on this

bellky, Aug 25, 9:48pm
Who cares. You're the car dealer.

jmma, Aug 25, 10:07pm
Option A, then I could bid again if I wanted to.
Would also get an e-mail from trademe telling me my bid had been removed, so I would be aware of it (o:

pc_uncorrect, Aug 25, 10:11pm
Afew years ago, i listed my daughters 2005 Mitsi, no reserve auction.When she arrived home from Auckland, i checked it over, then sent it to a mechanic friend to check it, and he discovered it had a blown head-gasket.By this time, bids had reached 1200, so, i updated the auction (Q&A) informing bidders of the blown-headgasket, and would happily remove bids on request, and also winning bidder had option to bail-out, without fear of negative feedback.
In the end, a guy from Timaru won the auction for 1800, i informed him of the blown headgasket, he said sweet-as, and the next day he flew-up to New Plymouth, paid & uplifted the car (didnt check-it) and drove to Wellington to meet the ferry.He was happy as larry, he called me the next day from Nelson, where his son owned a mechanical business,, where his son fixed the head-gasket & he was heading to Timaru within the hour.

ruaphu, Aug 25, 10:18pm
I agree with you Richard, from a business point of view, good sound business principles, might be a small cost but in the long run is the right thing to do. Nice to see a responsible dealer compared with many of the prize pratts out there. Full marks to jcwholesale.

kazbanz, Aug 25, 11:05pm
On what basis do you say this!
Please --Don't take this as a criticism.Im just asking for the logic behind it. Heck we learn a lot from the feedback of others
What for example is wrong with the principle involved in option A !

msigg, Aug 26, 12:18am
yea i agree with tira and jcwholsale

sw20, Aug 26, 12:27am
I'd just go option A because I'm tight.

cowlover, Aug 26, 1:56am
I think pull it and start again is the better option.I also think it would be a good idea to pop a comment on the auction before you pull it.I've seen it happen a few times and always think wtf!I might have wanted to buy that.

mrfxit, Aug 26, 2:54am
How many days till end of auction.

3 days or more, .
you could edit the 1st line of the auction to show the NEW condition of the vehicle & offer bid removals

1 day to go.
Edit 1st line as above ANDprofuse apologies AND remove bids to lower then reserve

Last few hours to go .
As above added but also remove ALL bids & let it close or cancel the auction (WITH the statement as above) <<< MUST add in any event.

neo_psy, Aug 26, 3:05am
Option A - put a comment or a BIG NOTICE in the body of the auction describing the issue and inviting re-bids.

Or Option B and relist if you aren't as cheap as me.

ruaphu, Aug 26, 3:11am
Hey Kazbanz, sweet as. Personally Option A, I don't have an issue. However from what comments and virtual hangings have been put in here from time to time over the years regarding attempts of changing what is up for auction/sale can go badly for either party. Sellers attempting to be to be open and reputable & their words being scewed by the narrow viewed few with adverse outcomes. Conversely, Buyers being dupt by deviant sellers only disclosing info when being caught out, again adverse outcomes.

With regards to genuine small businesses (and ones on TM) (to which i endevour to support), nothing worse than having your hard earnt reputation dragged through the gutter due to a genuine error, hence why I firmly believe, reputation first, bin the auction but changing the auction details to only reflect the reasons why, no bugger can argue that. Cheers

jmma, Aug 26, 3:18am
Can't edit once bids are placed (o:

modie61, Aug 26, 3:24am
Im with jc post#3

gmphil, Aug 26, 3:30am
edit auction so stay on auction page