How much to repair.

crankypants69, Aug 25, 4:33am
Is that NZD! Seems cheap

lookoutas, Aug 25, 4:51pm
It's Chinese.

countrypete, Aug 25, 5:02pm
Why that's for repairing european cars such as golf, fiat punto or similar. These are incredibly cheap to repair, parts are plentiful, easily sourced and hardly ever need fixing anyway as they are so reliable.They do incredible fuel mileage, don't suffer any depreciation whatsoever and almost never pink, plunk or plank.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 25, 5:04pm
Now you're getting it!

kcc55a, Aug 25, 5:10pm
LOL! Good Sunday morning stuff.

cowlover, Aug 26, 2:11am
Clearly not applicable to Citreon diesels.

magoo2, Aug 26, 2:35am
do blue ones cost the same as red ones