Car shouldnt have passed last warrant

studentkyle, Aug 22, 2:15pm
Our mechanic has just found that the car should have failed last warrant (we only bought the car a month ago) which was 8 weeks ago, and the cambelt which is shot was no where near due we have any way to recover costs or have any recompense against last mechanic to warrant it!

intrade, Aug 22, 2:18pm
na cambelt is not a wof issue. a wof is not a service a woff is a warant of its fitness. fit for the road means brakes suspension tyre stuff that could be responsibile to make you have a accident. Thats what is tested at a wof nothing else.

NZTools, Aug 22, 2:18pm
The cambelt has nothing to do with a warrant.
A WOF is a saftey inspection. It does not cover things like engine servicing and maintainance.

beblowin, Aug 22, 2:37pm
WORD OF WARNING: dont take your car near a mechanic thatdont know what a wof item is, If he thinks a cambelt is a wof item stay clear.

splinter67, Aug 22, 2:45pm
Did you buy the car privately and why should it not have a warrant!

motorboy2011, Aug 22, 2:54pm
bet they are on about a fan belt.

splinter67, Aug 22, 3:01pm
more than likely the garage that dose my warrants always tell me that the belts on our cammry need replacing every time its had a warrant makes me laugh just before the last warrant I changed the belts myself and you guessed it on the bill there was the usual belts need to be changedI wonder how many belts they have changed. I still go there because they only charge $30

pzkpfw, Aug 22, 3:16pm
Post #1 doesn't say the cambelt was the WOF issue. It says "should have failed last warrant", then "and the cambelt which is shot".
Of course, it would have helped if the OP had said what the WOF problem actually was.

whqqsh, Aug 22, 3:24pm
thats how I read it too, a few WOF issues 'as well as' the cam belt snapped

mrfxit, Aug 22, 4:35pm
A FAN BELT . can be a WOF item if it also runs the power steering

mrfxit, Aug 22, 4:40pm
A wof is ONLY a snapshot test AT the time it was done.
However . A possiblity is . IF the vehicle was involved in an accident AND the cause can be clearly proven that the wof item that failed could not have possibly failed from reasonably possible fair wear & tear, since the last wof, THEN & only then you MAY have a chance in the small claims court.
Any other situations such as above get rapidly lesser chance of succeeding

franc123, Aug 22, 7:49pm
You better spill the beans about what the WOF issue actually is because so far it hasn't been revealed.

studentkyle, Aug 23, 4:11am
the cambelt was just another issue.there are several issues that should have failed the warrant.

jmma, Aug 23, 4:12am
Like getting blood out of a stone (o:

_frodo_, Aug 23, 4:12am
How about the full story then!

a.woodrow, Aug 23, 4:30am
So tell us the "issues" and we can advise you. Why are you playing hard to get.!

ema1, Aug 23, 6:41pm
Guessing game this one is, if the OP doesn't stump up the reasons why he says car should NOT have got a WOF pass then I reckon he's just a Practical Joker.
I really can't be bothered with idiots that don't inform us of what the issues are or what make of vehicle they are talking about.period.
Strewth the world is full of them and it would be interesting to know what the OP's profession is if indeed he/she has one!
User name may be a clue to the clueless!

jokerboss, Aug 23, 10:13pm
what colour is the car.

grangies, Aug 24, 4:18am
Lemon yellow.