Paint crazing on a two year old car?

janet31, Aug 19, 6:15pm
Just bought a second hand 2 year old car and have noticed two areas of paint crazing. How common would this be on a two year old car! Its black.
Would you try going back to the Dealer! had it less than a week.

kcc55a, Aug 19, 6:21pm
Definitely go back to the dealer. Its obviously had some touch up work and not been well done. Dont leave it a moment longer. get it all redone and keep an eye out for further crazing.

74nova, Aug 20, 1:54am
It probably has had a repair done and those parts re-sprayed. Differently take it back.

rob_man, Aug 20, 2:01am
Differently in what way, wearing a clown suit!

grangies, Aug 20, 2:15am
Very uncommon for a 2 year old vehicle, because the factory process doesn't cause any crazying on the paint.

Crazing is usually caused by overloading acrylic laquers ( which most paint repairs shops don't even have in stock any more ).

The crazing on your paint may actually be what what is called a "fry-up", which has been ignored and cleared over.

Show the dealer. And they should fix it for you.

Only problem may be, is if their spray painter let it go in the first place, then it may come back not much better.

But your car is only 2 years old, so should have a good paint finish overall.

gunhand, Aug 20, 2:17am
Yes, and good luck getting the dealer to admit they even had it painted ifthats the case.Hard one to prove.They will prob just say, oh it was traded that way.

a.woodrow, Aug 20, 2:18am
New vehicle warranty.!

gunhand, Aug 20, 2:19am
Doubt it if its been painted since new. But anythings worth a crack.

a.woodrow, Aug 20, 2:23am
I've seen poor paintjobs from new that have been fixed under warranty, but if OP pushes for this, someone is going to have to fix it for them

gunhand, Aug 20, 2:25am
With out seeing the prob its impossable to tell just what the cause is but 99% of the time its the painter, or previous painter.

Or the panelbeater who hid his huge scatches under primer.

74nova, Aug 20, 2:30am

a.woodrow, Aug 20, 2:30am
Yep in most cases, either way it should be fixed for OP

maddog007, Aug 20, 4:26am
The car would have had some touch up done after being traded in by first owners, This is very common practice, most cars have stone chips or bad scratches maybe even a dent or two after 1-2 years,the dealer would have done this to restore the condition of the car to almost new. clearly this job has been botched.
the most commonly repainted parts on a near new car is the front & rear bar & the bonnet & sometimes the front guards.
Its often easy to spot as not many places seem to consistently match the paint right.

tigra, Aug 20, 4:41am
Under the CGA, it should be repaired without question

bmwnz, Aug 20, 5:34am
is it a VW :-)

johnf_456, Aug 20, 6:08am
It can't be they are the best things since sliced bread according to the salesman.

unclejake, Aug 20, 6:12am
What! Defend that. Does the car still operate as it should!

Citing the CGA online for every small problem found with a used item is getting pretty boring (not specifically targeted at you Tigra as it seems endemic)

rob_man, Aug 20, 2:39pm
I agree, I'm also wondering if the crazing was apparent when the OP bought the car.

janet31, Aug 20, 5:45pm
No it wasn't apparent but it was raining when I picked it up and for 4 days after. still I reckon I would have seen it. Its actually 3 years old I realised and an import.
The Dealer has agreed to fix it but first I am going to take it to a spray painter and let them tell me exactly what it is.
I'm not overly fussy on small defects but want to know if this car is likely to suffer paint failure and this is just the first small sign.

xpfairmont, Aug 20, 8:05pm
I'd park it outside of the dealership, with a sign stating age. that's only if they don't fix it for you.

tigra, Aug 21, 4:00pm
Yeah I guess its just a reaction from recent cases I have been helping with. Invariably the dealer gets dificult and doesnt want to know, so suggesting the DT or MTDT has becomea first up reaction

janet31, Aug 22, 12:30am
ok the panel beater says one spot is insignificant. probably a bird shite left in the heat! but the other is rust~!