Anyone done a auto to manual conversion on

modie61, Aug 18, 1:18am
a Mk4 Golf GTi ! Tia.

kazbanz, Aug 18, 1:32am
Nope but the normal stuff will be needed
Peddlebox,centre console. driveshaft,clutch plumbing. etc

granada, Aug 18, 1:33am
Why would you bother, just sell the auto and buy a manual one. Lot less hassle

00quattro00, Aug 18, 1:39am
He may well have a stuffed auto and a manual conversion is cheaper than a recon auto.

Its an easy conversion, everything is just a simple bolt in. Will just need to tell the ecu that is manaul

headcat, Aug 18, 1:46am
Does this take into account the loss in value due to having been hashed about!

00quattro00, Aug 18, 1:54am
wtf are you on about! you unbolt auto parts and bolt in manual parts, would make it worth more being manual

trogedon, Aug 18, 1:55am
If a proper job is done it won't be "hashed about".
I've thought it would be a good conversion to do on a Golf stationwagon.

modie61, Aug 18, 2:39am
The situation is this,i have seen a car that has a shagged auto,its rego on hold. The idea is to make a clubcar out of it,so it will be converted,not a hash job,but then will surely be thrashed,the car is very cheap to buy.
Has anyone actually done this job ! My query is around the flywheel and ecu areas.
I was on a usa forum before and they advise against doing it on labour costs,i can do it all myself,so no labour costs to worry about.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 18, 2:40am
quattro sounds like he is on the money, the ecu was my concern which he has covered off. I would suggest checking the VW forum's as someone may have even done a guide on this, you never know.

Best of luck, the manual transmission is a lovely unit in those with a nice feel to it.

thejazzpianoma, Aug 18, 2:42am
Snap, you posted this while I was writing. Sounds like you have already checked the forums.
The VW Place (Platinum something!) in Rotorua if its still going might be worth a call, that's the sort of outfit that has bound to have done one and may be happy to supply parts and advice.

modie61, Aug 18, 2:56am
Thanks jazz.

00quattro00, Aug 18, 3:00am
You will want a single mass flywheel and vr6 clutch kit, also if its going to be a club car put an lsd in it. for the ecu its just a matter of plugging in vcds and changing it to manual code

modie61, Aug 18, 3:04am
Does the mk4 manual have a dual mass flywheel or single !

00quattro00, Aug 18, 3:05am
dual, you can get single mass from a 16v mk3 gti

modie61, Aug 18, 3:08am
Oh ok,have you done one quattro !

00quattro00, Aug 18, 3:11am
Not exactly, but have stripped a few to use in mk2's, currently fitting a 1.8t into my mk2 jetta, I could do the conversion for you seeing as you are not too far away

modie61, Aug 18, 3:13am
Thanks for the offer,but would enjoy doing it myself,its half the fun of the whole thing.

trogedon, Aug 18, 2:21pm
"the pleasing aroma is half the point"

intrade, Aug 18, 3:07pm
most run a dualmass flywheel so you will need to buy a solid mass from uk or there likes