This is why i feel entirely safe driving a truck with a crash gearbox
Dec 2, 2:51pm
Dec 2, 2:56pm
LMAO, just shows how many cars in North America are automatic (try and find a newer manual car, near impossible) AND how dumb americans can be.
Dec 2, 3:27pm
SO, if you had never ever drivin a manual let alone seen one you would be an expert first time in a high adrenaline situation. Spose you could fly a plane first sit in the cockpit to.
Dec 2, 5:00pm
I vaguely remember reading somewhere that already 60% of New Zealanders are unable to drive an automatic.An automatic is at the end of my comfort level.I have one as the wife likes it but other car's are manual.I want as much control over a car as I can get and the less it does for me the better it is.
Dec 2, 7:23pm
Who can't drive an auto!
Dec 2, 8:50pm
60% of kiwis cant drive an auto. PMSL, where did ya get that info from!
Dec 2, 9:33pm
Oops.I meant a manual.
Dec 2, 11:43pm
This is why many bike messengers the world over ride Fixies - like driving a manual they're a learned skill.
Dec 2, 11:57pm
How do you have less control over an automatic!
Dec 3, 12:01am
Because with a manual you have one hand on the stick, one hand on the wheel, one foot doing the clutch so your far far busier lol. Sounds outa control to me lol.
Dec 3, 12:54am
Because it's dangerous not to be distracted!
Dec 3, 1:21am
I would think driving a manual would be more in control because you have to more consciously drive the thing rather than plant foot and zone out
Dec 3, 4:05am
Sweet, another reason to get a manual instead of an auto.
Dec 3, 4:31am
Manual vs conventional auto (Like a 4 speed Toyota slushbox) the manual gives you significantly more control. There are lots of scenarios but it basically boils down to predictable engine braking and a "direct" link from engine to driven wheels. Might not sound much but when you are pushing a car to its limits (be it intentionally or in an emergency situation) the difference between manual and auto is huge.
Now that said, Manual vs DSG is a lot more tricky as there is not really anything in it. Just a few minor points each way to argue.
Dec 3, 1:12pm
Have to agree for a fun car a manual is the way to go, but if you spend much time in traffic buggered if I would want a manual, give me an auto any day.
Dec 3, 7:31pm
Ah huh! Having commuted for years in Auckland in manuals they're fine - just got to leave a gap and idle along in first or second.
Apr 29, 6:13am
Leave a gap!!!!! Dont be rediculous!
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