Bargain alert.

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 5:23am
check out hotrodpete 's auction.

Im thinking of buying it.Check out the q's and A's too.
Some one really wanted an answer.

turton, Aug 14, 5:26am
lol at the same question asked 20 times

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 5:27am
haha yeah i think he was in a hurry for an answer.

morrisman1, Aug 14, 5:27am
Just put your VTEC motor into it and go tekkin up the streets with all the homies in the back.

llortmt, Aug 14, 5:30am
I'd ask him why no wof and if there's much to do!

fordkiwi27, Aug 14, 5:33am
haha wtf

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 5:34am
yo bro itz a chik magnet.plenty room for da fat 1's too.

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 5:35am
yeah got to be a catch that seems damn cheap for what it is.

llortmt, Aug 14, 5:52am
Wants COF not WOF and hasn't had one for over two years.

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 2:37pm
thanks for pointing that out.
That will be why its so reasonably priced.
Might have to do a trip down there to check it out me thinks.
Thanks llortmt

hopie, Aug 14, 8:17pm
and maybe electrical cert.

jason18, Aug 14, 8:41pm
Majke sure it has plenty of storage space for your blow up "toys"and compressor.

friendly_prawn, Aug 14, 10:51pm
haha will do.

teamgreen3, Aug 15, 5:53am
Going by pic 7 its fueled by steinlager aswell!

friendly_prawn, Aug 17, 3:16am
huh! pic 7! what did I miss!

friendly_prawn, Aug 17, 3:45am
Knowing Pete, there will be a keg or two in one of those pictures.
I know they are there some where, I'm just not looking hard enough lol

friendly_prawn, Aug 17, 3:47pm
huh! did they pull his listing. I cant find it!
Anyone else find it!