Just have to put a rego on a bike to get it home sometime in the next month. Can find 6 and 12 but nothin else. Cheers.
Aug 16, 5:13am
3 Month is $137.39
Aug 16, 5:14am
cheers, mite do that.
Aug 16, 5:17am
Got mine on hold at the moment. be cheaper if i get a ticket
Aug 16, 6:42am
A month would be around the $50ish mark, a week would be around $15ish.
Aug 16, 3:26pm
is it even possible to get just one week reg! sounds pretty good if you can it would be cheaper for me doing that than me having to hire a trailer or taking a night time gamble.
Aug 16, 4:19pm
. A day would be around $2 . . . lol. Just ride the damn thing without the rego - no-brainer, I've never been pulled up or checked for WOF or rego in my life, why pay over a hundred bucks if you are only going to use it for a day, just to avoid the very very very slim off-chance that you get checked and fined little more than the cost of the rego itself.
If you were to keep it on the road then by all means, but otherwise why bother, it won't have an effect on your insurance, you're shelling out cash for nothing.
Aug 16, 4:24pm
From what I understand you can license a vehicle for 1 day if you choose to, it's just not widely advertised as the gubbament is trying to force a tax on things that aren't always in use. From what I've heard there is a form that you need to ask for and the admin fee remains the same, I have to say though this is only hearsay and I have never tried this myself
Aug 16, 4:33pm
Really! are you sure about that! Everything has changed recently around vehicle licensing, now there are demerit points involved for not having current license (you should check your insurance small print regarding demerit points)
Aug 16, 4:49pm
Well it costs $268.12 for 6 months if that's any use, just done it online.
Would hate to work out the cost/km as having two young kids means I am station wagon and kiddy seat bound - very rarely get out on the bike, bloody enjoy it when I do, but.
(and I have looked at putting the in the panniers)
Aug 16, 5:52pm
Catch is, once you put it back on hold, it has to be on hold 3 months.
so, 3 months hold, 1 day reg, 3 months hold, 1 day reg.
if you try to reg after 2 months hold, your reg will be backdated 2 months as if it wasn't on hold at all.
Aug 16, 6:23pm
That's true, they got ya by the balls there then! Should be relaxed rules for recreational vehicles, i.e Pay the tax for the day you use it, not the whole month in case you might want to use it, just the draconian system ripping everyone off again.
Aug 16, 6:41pm
The best thing you can do is to support the idea currently on the table of having licensing included in petrol tax.
Aug 16, 6:43pm
Works for me.
Aug 16, 8:21pm
Copy and paste: You can change your motor vehicle's relicensing date by completing an Application to change licence expiry date form (MR27), available from NZTA agents. The agent will advise you of your options and the fee you need to pay.
Aug 16, 10:32pm
i did mine for a month around April so I could put it on hold over winter was 54 and change for the month
Aug 17, 12:30am
Thankyou all. The guy I bought it off put the rego on for me and Im payin for that. And my brother inlaw is picking it up (riding it) and taking it to his place tillI fly up and get it so I can not excpect him take the risk. I just needed to roughly know how much to sort the cash out. And yes they seen through the cheaper to get caught thing as well. Demerits! No thanks.
Aug 17, 4:19am
you can register it for two days at a cost of $10.96 if you know your way around the paperwork properly. for those that only have a bike as a weekend toy, but cant get out every weekend, it is a genuinely cheap way to ride. just rego it on friday afternoon when you know the weather will be good.
Aug 17, 4:30am
Yea but dont you have to leave it 3 months to re rego or you pay the back regos. If you dont leave it 3 months you pay it all, thats how i undrstand it anyway
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