Looking at getting a new car (well 2nd hand).

--slolearna--, Sep 2, 4:45am
is it a good or bad idea to get a older car than we already have but it has lower k's or go with something newer with similar ks to what we have now!

a.woodrow, Sep 2, 5:04am
Hard to say. are you driving a singer vogue! I would go for a newer car if you were

gammelvind, Sep 2, 5:07am
So many variables here, need more info. Eg you currently have a suzuki swift and now your daughter has a horse, the swift just hasn't got the tow capacity for the horse float.

morrisman1, Sep 2, 5:12am
As long as well maintained Id probably go newer with more KM, as long as it was not too excessive. Of course there are sooo many variables and this only works when comparing two identical cars.

lazzo, Sep 2, 5:22am
Newer with similar km. usually people change to newer with much less km, so it sounds like you can't really afford to do that, in which case why change at all!

kazbanz, Sep 2, 3:48pm
Why change cars at all --why not put the money into your existing car

wiseone58, Sep 2, 6:51pm
Thats a very limited amount of imput from you Kaz so disappointing.

bellky, Sep 2, 7:32pm
Have a bit of a think about things and a look around at what's available, and come back when you have an inkling about what you may like :)

kazbanz, Sep 2, 7:41pm
I feel its the appropriate response.

scoobeey, Sep 2, 8:00pm
I would rather buy for eg a hiace say 2003 done 300km than a 1995 done 190k. for a start the body is ten years newer:)

--slolearna--, Sep 3, 4:57am
only 2 years in age difference and 25000 in k difference. car we got doesnt suit the age of the kids any more is the reason for the change