Help in Christchurch with trailer wiring

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riddler5, Sep 7, 4:12am
I need someone to fix wiring on a trailer for me,I am no good when it comes to cars and trailers but probably simple to match the wires but I am confused.

johnf_456, Sep 7, 4:16am
What is wrong specifically

riddler5, Sep 7, 4:22am
There was broken wiring leading to the tail light from a connection under the trailer and I replaced that section and connected it to that connection which haswire leading to the plug but still have no working lights and I need the replaced wire connected tio the tail light.

trader_84, Sep 7, 4:31am
Did you have the trailer hooked up to the car ie. attached onto the towball, when you checked the lights! Its how alot of them are wired . they need to be attached to 'earth'.

ryanm2, Sep 7, 4:44am
black is ground, never heard of mechanical grounding connections, what happens if you have a little rust or grease etc on coupler!

ryanm2, Sep 7, 4:45am
im in chch and am a sparky- trailer connections are pretty straight forward, if all your lights aint working its probably a fuse blown.

trader_84, Sep 7, 5:23am
You're a sparky and you've never heard of earthing through the tow hitch! Ever towed before! . check what a towball looks like a few hundered meters down the road after towing.

outbidyou2, Sep 7, 5:28am
please explain

trader_84, Sep 7, 5:32am
Explain what!

outbidyou2, Sep 7, 5:36am
You've got me. What does a towball look like a few hundred metres down the road after towing!

trader_84, Sep 7, 5:38am
Round . it looks round.

outbidyou2, Sep 7, 5:40am
Thats what I thought ! Sheez thanks, I thought I was going mad.

trader_84, Sep 7, 5:43am
Nuh . you're ok. How many . !

gastirling, Sep 7, 5:45am
Anybody who wires a trailer earthed through tow ball is a cowboy!

trader_84, Sep 7, 5:46am
That wud be me . Giddyup!

snoopy221, Sep 7, 5:48am
Black is ground and we earth through the towbar.-
Yeah Roit.

morrisjvan, Sep 7, 6:56am
There is a perfectly good earth connection on the plug/socket, use that!

whqqsh, Sep 7, 12:40pm
agree, use this link
funnily enough I dont see the bit where is says 'replace #3 with entire trailer body' or 'wire earth to drawbar' lol

ryanm2, Sep 7, 2:02pm
I take my comment back - few too many beers on a friday.

therafter1, Sep 7, 2:50pm
That'll learn ya . lol

Boozin'n'postin 'n' smokin'n'postin is a big no no lol

Save ya postin until ya aint boozin'n'smokin and you reduce the chance that you are going to make yourself look like a dick lol

shane191, Sep 7, 3:03pm
Think you will find the white wire is earth. google trailer wiring diagrams.

therafter1, Sep 7, 3:18pm
I think you will find that you have a choice . black or white. If there is only a black, black is the earth, if there is only a white, white is the earth, if both are present it is your pick !

trader_84, Sep 7, 3:20pm
With the draw bar as another option, giddyup!

therafter1, Sep 7, 3:21pm
It's 2012 !

trader_84, Sep 7, 3:28pm
Its still 64' here . and Cowboys still do ride horses . only today its not just one at a time . its 426 . each one alive . kicking up dirt . ripping up ashphalt and screaming out loud . 'DON'T YOU DARE STOP FOR WATER'