Can anyone identify this vintage car?

thejazzpianoma, Sep 7, 11:34pm
Essex of about 1930 has wooden wheels like that and 3 rows of fins in the bonnet. (Pretty sure yours has 3 rows too).

That would be my best guess, the only thing that dosn't quite look right for the Essex to me is the sweep of the mudguard but that may be the angle of the photo or the type of body.

An Essex person would be able to tell you for certain.

See if this looks similar or the same to you.

ema1, Sep 7, 11:52pm
Essex Super 6 1928-29
There was a similar bodied Hudson of that era as well.
Both were from the same company.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 12:03am
Now that one has me a bit stumped. The louver's on the bonnet stopping half way along are a bit strange, Model T's had that but it certainly is not one of those. Interestingly it also has the double arch where the radiator meets the surround at the top like a Model A but it's not one of those either.

I would say it is American, mid/late 20's or very early 30's.

Here is a list of common American cars I don't think it is if that is any help.

I don't remember any of those having a radiator top like that and half blind louvers on the bonnet.

Surely its something obvious I have overlooked!

EDIT, just had another look. That external differing size door hinge style is another clue. Ford did that, Old's I think did it too but I don't think its either of those, pretty sure they were not the only two with that treatment.

therafter1, Sep 8, 12:06am
I have a vague recollection that it was a Chev.

But I wouldn't wager 10 cents that my vague recollection is correct lol

ema1, Sep 8, 12:10am
Hudsons were the Upper level make, Essex were the Base models more or less.
Terraplane featured there too but were more closely linked to Hudson models.
I had an old Unclelong gone now who had a huge Hudson 8 cylinder car massive thing I recall when I was a kid.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 12:11am
Hudson was my second best guess too, but . and I could be totally wrong on this. I think Hudson were more into flaps rather than louvers on the bonnet and if they did have louver's it was two rows. (I think I see 3)

Stupid thing is, I could have likely told you straight away 20 years ago. I spent a lot of my childhood driving around in the back ofModel A on Vintage runs.

gunhand, Sep 8, 12:13am
Early EVO or WRX!

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 12:18am
Chev certainly did the half blind bonnet. But the radiator surround just looks wrong to me.

If I had to pick something I would say it was a Chev with a Model A Ford Radiator Surround. but that just isn't right because the bonnet etc wouldn't fit properly.

I think you are right though, it must surely be a Chev with a radiator surround that I just havn't seen before. I am not a Chev person so could be miles off in my assumption.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 12:19am

dr.doolittle, Sep 8, 12:20am
LOL Thanks for that.

gunhand, Sep 8, 12:20am
Yes, silly me but an easy mistake to make.

ema1, Sep 8, 12:27am
Pretty sure this is a Chevrolet 1928-29 looks like a Chevy grill there.
1929 Chevs had the side louvers that only went 1/2 way along the sides.
Ah here we go found one.

newtec1, Sep 8, 12:30am
Are you sure. this one doesn't have a blower.!

thejazzpianoma, Sep 8, 2:39am
You are right, and looking at the radiator again its only the angle of the photo that makes the top of the radiator surround look like it comes to a sharp point (Like a Model A).
Well done.