Not motoring but hey what the heck

monaro17, Sep 10, 12:54am
I have just recently installed a Mitsubishi GE-25VA heat pump in my hall way. Because it is in a hall way I had to put a temperature sensor at the other end of the hall to the heat pump unit. This particular heat pump has a heat range of between 16 and 31 degrees C. I have found that 16 is too warm to sleep in and was wondering whether there is any way of altering the sensor etc to tell the heat pump the room is hotter than it really is!

mugenb20b, Sep 10, 1:04am
I have a GE50 and 16 is too warm for me too.all I do is select the slowest fan speed.

Basically, if you select 16, it won't go any lower than that, it will just shut down the moment the sensor picks up anything above 15 degrees.

dr.doolittle, Sep 10, 1:19am
Change the thermostat, give the radiator a flush, run her on a cooler plug & fill-up with 91 next time.

bigfatmat1, Sep 10, 4:04am
my father in law was not happy with how his lg heat pump operated due to software faults he modified his to suit. You would need to check the specs for the sensor or work out how it works then feed it a signal for a higher temp. What mode have you got it on have you tried auto instead of heat or what about removing the auxillary sensor!

bigfatmat1, Sep 10, 4:06am
my heat pump has 10 deg heat which is ideal for nightime in the winter it also has economy which makes it run at 70% coupled with a very slow fan speed

morrisman1, Sep 10, 4:07am
Move the sensor to a higher spot, remember heat rises. If it is a floor mount unit then because they suck the cold air off the ground then you have to set them considerably lower than you would with a ceiling mount to achieve the same thing.

gunhand, Sep 10, 4:08am
Hmmmmm. Turn it off at night!Or am I missing something! I hate heat pumps lol.

bigfatmat1, Sep 10, 4:10am
come on they are great.You probably missingsomething!

gunhand, Sep 10, 4:13am
Ive just never enjoyed the heat they give, Ive had to sit in rooms all day with them and always went home feeling crap compared to a multifuel etc. The air con part is good though.

mugenb20b, Sep 10, 4:13am
LG = Lucky it Goes.

tigra, Sep 10, 4:14am
Ask in DIY lots of HP experts there.

gunhand, Sep 10, 4:16am
Lots of "experts" in motoring too, but only about 6 you would take believe lol.

Sorted lol.

tigra, Sep 10, 4:16am
Oh!, - you did,

tigra, Sep 10, 4:17am
You forgot the quote marks around the 'experts"

fordcrzy, Sep 10, 4:19am
theres your first bought a japanese heat pump. you should have bought a german or italian one.