Chainsaw repairs & poodle grooming

hotrodtodd1, Sep 10, 9:20pm
And still nothing to report!

jmma, Sep 10, 9:26pm
So you have never given a poodle a trim with a chainsaw!

hotrodtodd1, Sep 10, 9:35pm
Apparently Skidmore did, but nobody has done that recently

whqqsh, Sep 11, 1:01am
no, still keeping an eye out though, even wary buying parts in case

hotrodtodd1, Sep 11, 4:37am
I cant believe that nothing has shown up. If the Police had a good idea where it was (as some suggested) then surely by now, whatever surveilance they were doing which stopped them going for the truck, would be over & done!

morrisman1, Sep 11, 4:45am
She's gone I reckon, like too many other classics. Its a pity the police seem to turn a blind eye to what is obviously organised crime.

whqqsh, Sep 11, 12:06pm
yup, they did the same to the T bucket stolen at Snow Run in Turangi, I was there trying to help but got virtually no support from the cops, locals (go figure) or even the other Snow Run entrants, never been back, the whole thing sucked!