Car was 'wrecked' last night

samceleste, Sep 23, 1:16am
My parents car was on our property (in a paddock, about 20-30m from the road.

This morning they found it had been broken into & parts taken out, wires all over the place.
And another car had been broken into (but nothing taken, ignition was screwed though)

Anyway, just thought I'd come in here for some tips on what we can do!
Obviously the cops have been called, neighbors (across the road from the car 100m max away) didn't hear anything.

What sorts of groups onfacebook/websites etc should I put the word out on!
The car that's had the parts taken from is a Ford (do I need to post year/model, not sure I should!)


3tomany, Sep 23, 1:22am
suck it up claim insurance and get on with youre life. The only thing you can do long term is a security system or cameras

studio1, Sep 23, 6:52am
Yup, cameras, good quality floodlights on sensors, park the cars near them (not in a paddock where they can't be supervised).
Nothing is safe these days - it's the times we live in. You have to protect and secure everything.

flack88, Sep 23, 1:29pm
Use a shotgun,cant trace the ballistics,f.g scum about, thought it would be ok down that way!must have cased the place first,than just random.

rpvr, Sep 23, 1:50pm
This attitude is the reason society is deteriorating. The only way to reverse the trend is to track down the scum and make their lives not worth living.