Stolen Hubcap

thunderbolt, Sep 18, 4:14pm
I left my shiny new hubcap on the side of the road in Glenfield yesterday, but when I went back to get it last night, some lowlife had stolen it!

I will be putting up reward posters in View Rd today if anybody can help me with the safe return of my shiny new hubcap. and successful prosecution of the offender.

johnf_456, Sep 18, 4:25pm
Least with summer coming up the days will be getting very long down their.

splinter67, Sep 18, 4:27pm
Give him the hubcap but not the car LOL

dr.doolittle, Sep 18, 4:55pm
Hubcap or kneecap! The choice is yours.

cameocooper, Sep 19, 6:56pm
you want to prosucute someone for a hubcap!
why did you leave it there in the first place, when you should have
picked it up then, by leaving it on kerb surely you should be prosecuted for litter
go buy a new set they are cheap and get over it

splinter67, Sep 19, 8:58pm
Thats not like the books DR Doolitle was nice to all the animals LOL

thunderbolt, Sep 20, 5:56am
What else can you say to that FP!

splinter67, Sep 20, 2:53pm
Looks like FP is taking a holiday see ya in a month FP the place is going to be a little boring without ya

guest, Sep 25, 5:02pm
this has been the only kind of apple pie I have made for the last 30 years or more. It gets rave reviews every time and won 1st place at a fimlay reunion pie baking contest this summer!

guest, Sep 26, 12:53pm
Sep27 I think the film protest is very much like the Dutch caradtoon inciaddent, in that only a small someadthing is ndeeed to provoke. On the one hand, the deaths are comadpletely caladlous and fooladish -- the vioadlence has become far more damned than the proadducer of the movie. To read of Pakadistani chiladdren citading anti-American speech leaves me in horadror. Is this what today's leadaders (not just in govadernadments, but among mothaders and fathers) want to fosadter, a new genaderadaadtion of hatred?Still, on the other hand, I wonadder how non-Muslims will change their peradcepadtion. It would be for the worse if Islam becomes even more negadaadtive in the views of the outadside comadmuadnity. After all, hatred will only beget hatred, don't you think? I hope at least a few peoadple will come to their senses abouta0this.

guest, Sep 28, 10:22am
I was actually scirehang for some Jeff Foxworthy stuff, you know he's the one that has that, You must be a redneck joke series. Anyway, while scirehang for that stuff I came across some reading on the redneck summer games.Robert Tuttle recently posted