Car went up on the curb, hubcap now bent

nzlotrfan, Sep 17, 4:53pm
Do I need to get this looked at! Or is it ok, I just get a hammer and push it back in! The wheel appears to be a bit squashed, but I have driven quite a lot since (last week) and it has had no problems. However, I can hear a sort of soft whooshing sound when the car is moving from the wheel. A photo of my other front wheel (no issues):, a photo of the curbed wheel in question: and also

tigra, Sep 17, 5:02pm
Get Gandalf to make it better.

kazbanz, Sep 17, 5:03pm
i bet the steering has a bit of a shake now doesn't it!
To fix it go to tyre shop. Remove wheel and trim -remove tyre Straighten what looks to be a very slightly bent rim refit tyre and wheel balance.
If the rim is too bent then you need a replacement rim -the tyre shop might have one. once the rim is straight most likely the trim will go back in place normally

splinter67, Sep 17, 5:06pm
Looks alright from the photos put the bottom of your foot on the bit of the hubcap that is sticking out and push. Now youshould go get a wheel alignment and have the wheel rebalanced. But if its driving finekeep an eye on your tyres for uneven wear

intrade, Sep 17, 5:44pm
looks ok but the alignment is most likely out now if steering wheel is not straight when driving straight then you need a alignment and check off suspension components for wear and damage The alignment place should do this as they cant do a alignment if there is play on any components accuratly

intrade, Sep 17, 5:45pm
also wotch the tyre does not bulge as you could have damaged the sidewall of the tyre with the impact

mrfxit, Sep 17, 7:42pm
YEA . don't look pretty either way.

And the tire is half flat.

thewomble1, Sep 18, 3:10am
Don't let the owner of the curb know otherwise they might bill you for the damage to their curbing.

a.woodrow, Sep 18, 3:15am
Is your spare a steel wheel as well! swap them over, then get a wrecker to source you another rim

nzlotrfan, Sep 19, 12:24am
I took it to Firestone today, they had a look at it and concluded that the tyre (thankfully) didn't need to be replaced. He said he took the hubcap and put it back on properly, and realigned my wheel. $59 later. Ah well, all sorted. Thanks for your advice everyone.

splinter67, Sep 19, 12:25am
Cool now leave the curbs alone LOL