Are there any car enthusiast parents in here! I am a youngish parent my partner races in a race series and I was raised to eat sleep and breath cars since becoming a parent nothing has changed on the been an enthusiast but the money and the vehicle situation has, I was wondering if there are any other like minded people out there who even tho they are a parent now still enjoy going motorsport events or participating and modifying etc! I can't race every race I wish to nor can I afford to go to them all or drop everything without notice but my passion for cars has not gone just because I am a parent.
Sep 16, 8:41pm
I knewaguys who put their racingabove most things, butboth now divorced ,the women couldnt put up with it , doing without the usual luxuries.Ok if havebig sponsorsbutDIYis toughon family ., Me I was always interested in cars & all m sportcars, boats , truckscircuit & drags,er indoorshated it & neverwentwith me, shereckoned spent more time in the garage & at race tracks than in thebed , eventually we split .
Sep 16, 8:48pm
yep - 28 years of amateur stuff - gave it away for 4 years when bought first house and had sprog, then back into it until this year - too many days away at the track, and son too young to join me. Sold the racecar, bought a classic that my boy loves and can be involved with. Will probably get back into club stuff when he's old enough to enter khanas and the like.
Sep 16, 8:51pm
Lucky both my partner and I love cars, He will never race if the family can't go IE travel to the town they are racing in and have us stay the weekend. He has always said family first and if it effects the family he will not race <3 but otherwise one will stay home to mind the kids while the other races if its a day event and isn't going to work with the kids been there, My partner is sponsored how ever most of the time it is just when ever there is an event and if we can make it we will go but we try to go to things like shows as there more kid friendly been more in town for the time being as the youngest is 1 in 11days and the house is on the market this summer so will be no series racing this summer.
Sep 16, 9:08pm
been ther, raced before married, had it give it away when had family. went yachting, something the family could do, got back intoracing in 1997 with my son,Iam racing historic saloons now,
Sep 16, 9:20pm
i gave up curcuit racing as it was too expensive, built a drag car instead. race entry is cheaper, so is the fuel bill & tyre life. win more money dragracing than i ever did going round in circles, other racers are less stressed too so it was a good change for me. i even moved house so i'd have more room for my car hobby.
Sep 17, 4:11am
Racing stopped for 7 years while the kids were little, but are back into it now. If you've always been into cars/racing, lifes little challenges may slow you down sometimes but not for too long. I believe married life in regard to racing, is a LOT easier if the both partners are fully into their sport/interest.
Sep 17, 4:30am
I gave it up after 20 years when the kids began to arrive. Couldnt justify the time or the money with a young family. Sold the race car to buy a much bigger and better house and never looked back.Lol now I'm too old. they say. Kenny Smith isnt tho
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