Car smoking on start up

thejazzpianoma, Sep 13, 10:27pm
Smoking on startup so long as it goes away quickly is usually related to valve guides or valve stem seals. Many people don't bother getting it fixed and don't consider it a big deal. Its possibly not the greatest for the catalytic converter if its got one.
Someone on here could give you an idea on price to sort it, expect a bit but not end of the world.
Can't tell you what they are like with age but we had one in the family when these were still fairly new. From what I remember of it, it was actually a pretty decent car for its time.
Being NZ new and manual for that sort of money its possibly fairly good buying and a reasonable bet for the money.
Just get it checked out well, it would be interesting to find out if others have the smoke on startup at that milage, as it could be a sign of neglect but also could just be that its 14 years old.

a.woodrow, Sep 13, 10:28pm
Most likely valve stem seals leaking

a.woodrow, Sep 13, 10:29pm
Snap jazz, I was just more concise

thejazzpianoma, Sep 13, 10:31pm
Yet still you didn't beat me!
Lightning fingers strikes again!

phillip.weston, Sep 13, 10:33pm
I would have thought that money would get you a '98 626 which doesn't smoke. They need to knock some money off for it to be worthwhile.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 13, 10:38pm
I don't follow these a lot but have noticed out of the corner of my eye that those Kiwi new manual ones actually go for quite good money. Not even unusual to see dealers wanting $9000 for one (although with lesser km's and no smoke).

a.woodrow, Sep 13, 10:40pm
They are a pretty good car, reliable and reasonable on gas. just a bit on the dull side, but that doesn't matter to a lot of people

msigg, Sep 13, 11:05pm
As woodrow says nothing wrong with those, i woudln't want to pay much more that $3000 for that. I know of a good capella wagon that got sold two months ago that didnt smoke or use any oil, for$ 2800but the cam belt needed doing.

tuttyclan, Sep 13, 11:22pm
This one looks like kiwi new 626 not the imported capella so it should have some service history being kiwi new.

ceebee2, Sep 13, 11:39pm
I would be wary as they are not known for that and if you noticed it must be a reasonable amount. I would be very suspicious of an overheat previously with the possibility of leaking head gasket.
If you are really keen on the car get it mechanically checked and mention the start up smoking.
Before road testing any car I always check the oil level / radiator level. Do so on this one and see how much oil is showing. I bet it will be quite low. It is good insurance to do so as I have seen many vehicles test driven with no oil showing on the dipstick. You also cannot be blamed on a test drive for seizing an engine because the sump was empty.