Car thieves operating in

new2cycling, Sep 11, 10:15pm
Hoon Hay Christchurch at the moment. Keep your eyes peeled and your baseball bats ready. Got my eye on someone that tried steeling mine this morning!

bellky, Sep 11, 10:18pm
That must make you feel insecure. Thieves are scum.

new2cycling, Sep 11, 10:25pm
Not really. I think on it as a challenge lol.

moosie_21, Sep 12, 2:22am
Would love to catch one in the act. Baseball bat first and if they managed to get running the paintball gun comes out next.

807, Sep 12, 4:15am
Head Shot, of course !

ema1, Sep 12, 5:46am
Shotgun up the nostrils.

n1smo_gtir, Sep 12, 8:20am
i always have my crossbow rifle and machete ready, nice and quiet, wouldn't wake up the neighbours, they work hard and deserve their sleep in peace.

new2cycling, Sep 12, 2:20pm
Two things told me he is an idiot and a no hoper. 1. he was using a screwdriver. 2. He was wearing a highlighted workmans vest!

motorboy2011, Sep 12, 4:42pm
With police help I recovered 1 bike and 2 cars last year, so big up to the police. HOWEVER, with the courts lack of action and inability to pass out more than community service/home D to the offenders, I will not be involving the police next time. Id rather be done for assault.

dave653, Sep 12, 6:00pm
Safety first!

dave653, Sep 12, 6:01pm
Don't get caught!

cjdnzl, Sep 12, 7:37pm
Tie them up, throw them into the vehicle, and drive as far as you can up a long seldom-used road, far into the bush, then chuck them out and leave them to it.With luck they'll not be able to get back to civilisation, just become a missing person.How sad.

trader_84, Sep 12, 7:47pm
You don't want to go there - they are not worth it, really. I've got family who have been there and I'm telling you . long after the infection to your fists caused by their broken teeth have subsided and long after your lag. and after you have completed your probation - you are still punished by the system. Thats how it rolls. Sad but true.

motorboy2011, Sep 12, 9:49pm
oh thres plenty more ways than assault to get someone back, and then have to know and prove it was me.

gypsypom, Sep 13, 3:03am
Hope you use frozen paintballs

trader_84, Sep 13, 5:22am
Oh sorry! I for some reason thought you were mooting assaulting someone. But you know other ways too! Yep, you sound on to it. Good luck.