Is an AA check worthwhile on a car that's still.

luteba, Oct 5, 4:41pm
within warranty and with current WOF!
Or are we safe to buy without one!
I guess a warranty wouldn't tell you that there'd been crash damage!

firemansgirl, Oct 5, 4:48pm
For $100-odd I would get one. At least you'll be advised of anything needing replacement that is not covered by Warranty.and as you say, crash damage.

jane310567, Oct 5, 4:53pm
what about a fresh import - don't they come with a mech check when they come in!

therafter1, Oct 5, 5:00pm
Mechanical check by whom !

Who does the mechanical check favour, the vendor or the purchaser !

Was the mechanical inspector impartial, or was the mechanical inspector selected !

intrade, Oct 5, 5:11pm
aa reports are usless they dont find real faults they list how mutch scratches the car hasand there likes. You want to spend the money on a propper mechanic person to check it over i would use the mechanic whom is going to do your servicing after to check it out.

aragorn2003, Oct 5, 5:33pm
AA checks arent worthwhile on any car . get a real pre purchase inspection by someone who knows what they're doing

franc123, Oct 5, 5:45pm
Pre registration compliance checks aren't the same as full prepurchase checks, its always wise to get an independent check done. The agent for that make is usually the best bet for this, ask for their top tech to spend an hour going over it, including a good open road test. The reason this is so is they know what areas are known to give issues, and know what doesn't feel right compared to the tens or even hundreds of others that they have driven and worked on. Poor or non standard repairs, cheap panel and paint repairs and neglect of complete servicing needs are often quickly spotted. They can also check if that model has had or needs safety recall work done.