Car for a 16yr old

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socram, Oct 3, 7:49pm
Get a manual!At 16, kids are still developing and have the ability to learn quickly, so coping with a manual is not at all difficult.
Most posters on here who are over 40 years of age would have learned on a manual and I don't see any posting that they found it difficult andwished they'd had automatics.Why go for two tests when one will do!

It is far easier to swap from manual to automatic than the other way around - you just have to be aware and not stomp on the non-existent clutch pedal.(Been there and done that- once.)

There is an old rule regarding training.Always teach the preferred method the experienced ones use.Never teach a training method then expect people to adapt later, as they will struggle to unlearn the trainee habits.

tullyann, Oct 4, 1:44am
please don"t go there, They have the most court cases and still do not Pay up , ( Real Rippoffs an bull shippers etc) ring them and tell tham you heard about the program see what they say lol,

try and get a look at the program and then you would delete as soon as poss good luck in finding your new car ,

mantagsi, Oct 4, 1:47am
What many people forget about these Nissan chain engines is that yeah, sure, you do not need to do a cambelt but they can suffer from issues with the chain tensioner. DO NOT skimp on oil changes, get 'em done regular if you get one of these

disco_super_fly, Oct 4, 1:56am
Defo go for the manual. Take him to a carpark, let him get reasonably good at shifting gears etc, then he'll be sweet as. I vote Nissan Pulsar - great cars, great resale value

johnf_456, Oct 4, 2:03am
Anything like a corolla, 323, familia, civic,laser, sunny are all great cars to learn in

johnf_456, Oct 4, 2:04am
apply it to all cars. Oil is cheap and the blood of a engine its cheap insurance to change it!

gunhand, Oct 4, 2:05am
Not sure what 16 yo you are talking about! Most are only interested in sleep, food, loud music, entertainment, more sleep, being a know all, being lippy, being depressed abouteverything, confused, in denial about everything, dont want to learn anything as its hard work, more sleep and they don't learn to quick as you have to tell them over and over and over again just to shut a door.And they think old people are dumb and know nuffin.
You would be better off teaching a 6 yo to drive a manual, now they learn quick.
Also most 16yo think they can drive perfect anyway even if they can't put to movements together at once.
About all they can do is txt and think about the sex there not having.
There a completly different person than they will be in a few more years.

dollydot, Oct 4, 3:20am
Some teens might be like that.Also many are great kids, study, work part-time, are motivated and are nice to know. I have two and 90% of the time they're great.Yes they do sleep a lot! Yes they do learn fast!

greta29, Oct 4, 3:50am
a holden v8 teach him right

sarahb5, Oct 4, 4:11am
Mine too - well the first two have been and the third has another year before he gets to 16 but he's shaping up pretty good too.Sleeps a lot, eats a lot but very entertaining nonetheless, and even cooked dinner tonight!

jane310567, Oct 4, 4:21am
mines buying a car next year and is 6ft 4 - I am currently looking to change my car to a manual so he can get heaps of practice - they are thin on the ground tho - I want something newish 2004plus and economical - and not a nanas car. hard work - havent found one to look at yet.

fryan1962, Oct 4, 6:14am
Mazda 121 I am 6ft 5 heaps of room, they supplied cars for basket ball stars in oz

sarahb5, Oct 4, 3:05pm
VW Golf - our son is about 6ft and has plenty of head and leg room

nz16901, Oct 9, 10:52pm
Thanks for your help guys. We have bought a Mitsubishi Lancer 1996
automatic. Greatcar, very pleased with purchase and of course Grandson is delighted. Grandad has started lessons with him to be followed by a professional driving instructor. We are taking it very carefully
these Grandchildren are very precious.

splinter67, Oct 9, 11:29pm
Good man teach him to be a winner