Car transporters

bluebear609, Sep 29, 9:16pm
can any one recommend one please. what are Haulplus that tm recommend like, does anyone know! thanx

splinter67, Sep 29, 9:44pm
Depends where from and destination is it drivable

bluebear609, Sep 29, 10:06pm
yes driveable and from one city to another city in north island

splinter67, Sep 29, 10:08pm
Which city to which city

bluebear609, Sep 29, 10:11pm
not 100% sure at this stage but from auckland but interested to know what haulplus like. not sure if will do another way or not yet

16feb08, Sep 30, 12:59am
You can't go wrong with haulplus/ the cdg, they go everywhere more often than anyone else. Also you know the company you are paying are the company actually delivering your car.

bluebear609, Sep 30, 2:14am
thanx,have you used them! just seem alot cheaper than others but then trademe recommend so I suppose they get a lot of business through that and therefore can reduce the costs. important decision as I'm sure you realise

ceebee2, Sep 30, 2:18am
We have used Jeffs alot with no probs and good service (mobile or not)

16feb08, Sep 30, 2:20am
I have used them before, no probes at all. They are the biggest and transport something like 80% of new cars in .nz, so they must have a pretty good idea what they're doing ;)

mileyfan73, Sep 30, 2:23am
Try Captain Transporter,their website can give you an instant quote.

bluebear609, Sep 30, 2:27am
thanx alot

16feb08, Sep 30, 2:28am
I'm sure you realise I meant probs, not probes lol. Damn auto correct. Also worth noting is The COG operate the longest transporters in the country, so if your car is lucky enough to end up on one of these it greatly reduces the likelyhood of damage, as the drivers don't have to jam them on he truck so close to each other.

bluebear609, Sep 30, 2:35am
thanx realise you meant probs, sounds all good