I backed ever so slightly into a parked car that

white_elephant, Oct 7, 9:11pm
was half on a yellow line, does that fact make any difference to anything!

monaro17, Oct 7, 9:14pm
no definitely not- you are at fault (unfortunately)

gman35, Oct 7, 9:16pm
Unless the yellow line was painted with some extreme low-friction finish , I think the dent will be the same regardless. (Sorry , that "witty" comment came straight to me). It SHOULD mean that you are somehow "not as liable" though !

white_elephant, Oct 7, 9:19pm
Luckly no dent, just a scratch.

eagles9999, Oct 7, 10:13pm
In this case no, however in some towns that could mean a Parking Offence Notice for not occupying a car park space correctly.LOL!

thejazzpianoma, Oct 7, 10:15pm
At least you are likely better than the moron who backed in to me, who didn't even offer an apology, instead I got the absurd "do you know who I am" BS.

heavydee, Oct 7, 11:28pm
"Do you know who I am!"That's hilarious, who were they!Besides the tool that just backed into you, lol.

saxman99, Oct 8, 3:24pm
"Do you know who I am!"

"I've no idea."

"Good.Bye then!"*zooms off*

thejazzpianoma, Oct 8, 4:50pm
I still have no idea (best guess, some middle aged has been radio announcer) and I really don't care.

They clearly must have been big time owning a Hyundai and all.

raymond00001, Oct 8, 11:03pm
"Are you Jeff Vadar!" would have been my reply lol

neo_psy, Oct 9, 2:52am