mins. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup!v=lgwF8mdQwlw&feature=player_embedded About 6 soldiers pull up on a main street in Halifax , Nova Scotia on some holiday. They're in a standard issue WWII type Willys Jeep. In the span of about 3 to 4 minutes they completely disassemble the vehicle And reassemble it with no power tools and drive off in it fully operable! The idea being to show the genius that went into the making of the jeep And its basic simplicity. Fantastic!
Oct 16, 1:53am
They didnt tighten anything up Id hate to put to many miles in it like that
Oct 16, 2:24am
Our own army used to do that trick with the old landies
Oct 16, 2:28am
That looks like a CJ5 a lot newer than WW2 60s !
Oct 16, 2:29am
didnt see them put coolant in either
Oct 16, 3:00am
only 1 bolt holding the body on! & i bet all them bolts were sloppy fits too.
Oct 16, 12:51pm
2 wheels nuts per wheel !
Oct 16, 2:59pm
US car build quality was never very good and this is just awful, Quik yeah Ill grant that but durable no brakes loose bolts everywhere, jest like billy bob down at the factry done
Oct 16, 3:33pm
OMG been there done that. it took me a good 3 weeks to get one stripped.
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