Remote locking for car

rover79, Oct 10, 12:12am
A mate told me about his car auto locking if he forgot to lock it, once he was a certain distance from the car.
I just found out that if my car is locked and I go to unlock it and walk away, it will auto lock in about a minute, but if I'm in the car, get out and walk away with out locking, it will not self lock.
Is this normal or is there a switch in the car to activate doing both! the car is a toyota Allex, about 2001.

mantagsi, Oct 10, 12:32am
I think it depends on the car, as I've owned cars that do both. I suppose an example would be my current Caldina. If I unlock it, it stays unlocked regardless of whether I open a door or not within any timeframe. My old car had a mongoose alarm, and it was mad about auto-locking, was a bit annoying. As for a switch to alter the behaviour, I doubt it in your case, but can't say for sure.

monaro17, Oct 10, 12:44am
Your car as with my old Toyota Corolla work car has an accidental unlock function. If you get out, lock the car then as you walk away you accidentally unlock it again the car will re-lock itself after a minute.

lookoutas, Oct 10, 12:55am
It's a Fool-safe feature.
If you inadvertently hit the unlock button and walk off thinking you locked the car, it will realise you're a dumb-arse and lock itself after a short period. But if you open any of the doors before it self locks, it will cancel out.

I was testing my Subaru to see if holding the unlock button might happen to pop the boot, It didn't, but the bloody drivers window went down. I wondered what the noise was for a while!
Once I realised what this noise related to, I held the lock button down - it locked and the window went up!
Almost wore it out for the next 5 minutes :-)

Braile sometimes comes in handy.

Edit; There ya go - already been told. Or I'm too slow!

rover79, Oct 10, 1:11am
I have the trouble of getting 30 odd metres away from the car and thinking, did I lock it. So would be a good feature to have. One time I left it unlocked for 4 hours in a car park.
How on earth did we get on in the olden days,,,, oh thats right, you could look back and see if the button was down or not.

n1smo_gtir, Oct 10, 1:23am
generally speaking, if you talking about factory remote central locking and not take into account alarm systems, if you unlock the car via the key transponder and open any door other than the drivers' it will auto relock after prefixed time. as soon as you opened that drivers door, it will not auto relock. if you open drivers door via the key in key hole, open door and close it again, it will not autolock as it assumes the driver has climbed in.

we gt a 2001 nissan wingroad. my partner used the remote on the factory key to unlock the car, put baby in the booster seat in the back seat and accidently put key down next to the booster seat and closed the door to walk towards the drivers side. before she got that far, the car auto relocked with the baby and the key in it and her out. i ended up having to travel 20ks back home to unlock it as she already locked the house doors. i am the only one that got the spare to the car.

lookoutas, Oct 10, 3:25am
We had more room in our pockets for money cos the keys were still in the ignition.

a.woodrow, Oct 10, 4:11am
Didn't need a key for the kingswood, once left for a weekend trip, then realised couldn't lock the car cos the key was on the bench at home

socram, Oct 10, 3:02pm
Never locked the MGBs.No stereo and nothing to nick inside them and as we all know, no-one ever steals old Brit cars.

A word of warning for anyone with a Freelander 2 or Euro cars similarly equipped.I parked mine up close to the left side of the right hand garage and went away for several weeks, leaving it locked.On my return, the key transponders (built in, rechargeable) batteries were flat.

The only way to get in is via the key in the passengers door as presumably, these things are designed for left hand drive.Fortunately, I have a large garage and was eventually able to squeeze in on the passenger side, after moving other stuff out of the way but I almost had to get the trolley jack and "go wheels" to swing it out far enough!

lookoutas, Oct 11, 1:40am
You got me concerned, so I tried mine this morning - It didn't self lock even after the back door was opened. Stupid idea for those that do.

merrilegs, Oct 13, 3:13am
This reminds me of the day, about 30 odd years ago, parking my car in a car park, in Whangarei, using the key to open the boot for something, closing the boot and trotting off into town to do some shopping. Away from the vehicle for about 5 hours. On my return to the car park, I realised the keys had been in the boot lock all that time and all was well.Never did tell hubby. Be a different story making that mistake today. lol