Shipping a car OUT of NZ to the USA

k0bra, Oct 9, 11:01pm
Does anyone know of a good company/website that might be able to help with this! or any idea how much this costs! I know it sounds strange, but I have someone in the US who is interested in purchasing a car from NZ. Thanks

74nova, Oct 9, 11:53pm
Whos car have you stolen!

neo_psy, Oct 10, 1:17am
Is the purchaser working on an oil rig!

Try Jas Jenners out at the airport.

gammelvind, Oct 10, 1:24am
Are they wanting to pay via paypal!

usdefault, Oct 10, 3:15am
Yanks are very strict on the importation of RHD cars, they don't like it at all.

treachug, Oct 10, 3:41am
normally they arrange their own shipping & their own agent picks it up on their behalf.must be a newbie scammer & hasn't fully read the nigerian scammers guide on car buying

franc123, Oct 10, 4:32am
Just out of interest what is the vehicle and is it factory LHD or not!

k0bra, Oct 10, 3:04pm
Lol. I haven't stolen anyone's car. A friend is looking to purchase an older model car that is becoming pretty rare over there. They don't have any issues about it being RHD.

battleaxe, Oct 10, 4:10pm
sounds like when i had a sofa for sale and someone in the US wanted it. They were going to put $5000 in my account and i would send them the change. lol. Sounds like a scam

desmodave, Oct 10, 5:05pm
From what theop says what makes you think its a scam ! is it just the fact that some1 in the usa wants an old car from nz .

tgray, Oct 10, 7:33pm
I guess only you know how good a friend the are.

neville48, Oct 19, 11:41pm
Kiwi shipping $5k to L.A