Reversing Car Out Of Driveway:

thomas75, Oct 19, 4:43pm
In view of the number of children run over in their own parents' driveway, the safest way to avoid this is to reverse in and drive out forward. This would also avoid pedestrians being hit by a reversing vehicle as they walk across the driveway. And dont use the mirror to see where you are reversing, look out the back window, seeing both sides of the car. It is so easy! Would avoid a lot of very unfortunate tragic accidents.Anyone have any comment on this!

mugenb20b, Oct 19, 4:52pm
In some places that have narrow driveways and busy roads, you may not have a choice, but drive in, rather than reverse in.

Also, a lot of large old SUVs and commercial vehicles are plagued with blind spots, possibly tinted or blanked out windows, and kids on bikes are often not seen.

I don't need to any more, but when I used to reverse out of driveways, I beeped my horn a few times when doing so.

andrea_w, Oct 19, 4:53pm
Do you REALLY think someone that is stupid enough not to check the driveway when they know kids are around is smart enough to reverse in and drive out!
.doubt it.

horses7, Oct 19, 4:56pm
You must be blonde to think backing into a drivewayis any safer than backing out,and as far as looking out the back window you probably cant see what is within 5 metres of the rear of most vehicles without the aid of reversing sensors or a camera

thomas75, Oct 19, 5:01pm
Andrea_w, I don't think that people who are stupid enough not to check the driveway when they know that children are about are smart enough to reverse in, and that is why I have posted this thread. I reckon that people need to be educated. Have been years in the driver education business. Thanks for your comments.

thomas75, Oct 19, 5:05pm
Thanks for your comments horses7. I just knew that it would take more than a lot to convince people of this. Incidentally, I am not blonde anymore!

thomas75, Oct 19, 5:17pm
Well,I still maintain my position here, that cars should be reversed in to a driveway and driven out forward, unless there are some circumstances which prevent this. Think on this one, people!

bill-robinson, Oct 19, 5:37pm
As far as I know it is illegal to reverse out onto an 'A' road inthe UK. Just makes sense to me. Same in parking lots reverse in drive out save buggering you neck cause you can see what to aim for

n1smo_gtir, Oct 19, 6:14pm
Sadly a lot of drivers can barely parallel Park. So reversing into a narrow tight space is A big ask.

cuda.340, Oct 19, 6:18pm
i've had 2 accidents in driveways, both totally unavoidable from me. once reversing out of a driveway a lil indian kid riding his pushbike full tack down the footpath turned into the drive i was reversing from, no room to stop or swerve, splat into the back tailgate & canopy of my Falcon. lotsa blood but no broken bones. the other a few years earlier, driving forward out of a driveway in Remuera, tall fences so can't see whats coming, pulled out past the gateline, kid on pushbike, warp nine down the footpath, splat into the front wheel, flew over my bonnet onto the ground, lotsa blood again, no broken bones & kids mum came & saw me later to complain to me!d'oh!. so whether you're driving forwards or backwards, they're going to get you.

thomas75, Oct 19, 6:48pm
Yes, well, when reversing out of driveway, you have the length of the car behind you, butwhen going out forward, you can see more of what is in front of you.

socram, Oct 19, 7:19pm
LOL!Our local cafe is alongside a pavement where there are a couple of parking spaces, with a low kerb and gardens at the rear.It is a never ending source of amusement to watch people trying to park and also watching just how many park so far forwards, miles away from the kerb, right over the front line, almost touching the car in front, then just walk away, leaving a 3 - 4m gap behind them.
I always reverse into a driveway and always will.However, even when parallel parking, too many drivers insist on driving straight past onto the wrong side of the road, too impatient to wait the ten seconds it takes to park correctly.Mind you, watching just how long it takes some people to parallel park, that is no real surprise.

redhead96, Oct 19, 7:34pm
It is also up to the pedestrian to be careful about driveways.
I agree when you can back in to come out forwards.
I think the worst thing is to have the footpath along the fence line.
Actually you think driveways are bad go and look at a school when it's drop off and pick up times.

ceebee2, Oct 19, 7:48pm
You can minimise the risk by fitting the audible reverse beeper to your car. They are quite expensive at around $60 - $80.

marte, Oct 19, 8:54pm
I wondered why my landlord would never come to the flat I was living in.

Then someone told me that when she was living there, a car backed out the driveway & ran over her kid.

kazbanz, Oct 19, 9:05pm
When reversing INTO a driveway you have the lenth of a car behind you etc etc.Sorry thomas I genuinely don't see its gonna save lives. But heck if it makes ya happy go for it
Now reversing camera's -now that does reduce the chances of driving obver a kid. ---Mind you simply taking 10 extra steps so you walk round the back of the car before you get in would reduce accidents too.

bashfulbro, Oct 20, 3:13am
so when you run over the kid backing in, it`s less damaging, is that correct.

gammelvind, Oct 20, 3:26am
For sure everyone knows that!

asa50, Oct 20, 3:29am
When I come home its when the kids are up and about so nose in is safer, leaving in the morning they are still in bed, the mobility scooters are active at that time however.

donz01, Oct 20, 5:54am
We have a school 100m away and I always reverse up the driveway. When leaving I always drive out slowly to allow for school kids on bikes and skateboards etc. Never even come close to running any of them over this way but had a few close calls when I used to drive up then reverse out.

neo_psy, Oct 20, 7:01am
We live on a busy road - we'd be more likely to be cleaned up by someone on the road while we were fluffing about.

Maybe people in charge of 2 tonnes of potentially deadly weapon need to be a bit more careful. Even reversing cameras aren't foolproof.

Actually, I don't think my driver test had reversing even included in it. And given the pretty abysmal state of Kiwi drivers in general, it could take 2-3 minutes to actually line up the driveway backwards.