What car to buy

slip1, Oct 20, 3:34am
my wife's car has been stolen we need a car the question is what is a good car to buy for around $2000
have been looking at Nissan Cifero around 95 98don't want anything that's going to give too manyproblems
any suggestions!
thanks for your help

mugenb20b, Oct 20, 3:48am
Nissan Pulsar, Honda Civic.

intrade, Oct 20, 4:03am
anything that old will give some problems and for 2 grand you get what used to be 600$ cars 10 years ago. good cars today are 8 grand upwards

gunhand, Oct 20, 4:12am
Had a 95 cefiro for 2 years, cost nothing as I swapped a car that cost me $350.00 (cost me nothing in repairs either in the time I had it)It went fine never cost me a dollar in repairs, nothin went wrong at all. And it was a hack to say the least. Everything that shouda worked worked correctly. It had had a hard life before i got it as well. I didnt abuse it mind you.
I got 6 times what sorta paid for it for a trade and as far as I know its still going.

kazbanz, Oct 20, 7:16pm
Slip--the cefiro is a good car. The alternator is the only real weakness in em and you'll only replace it once in your ownership.
My only comment is that they are a big car so compared to say a corolla/pulsar etc will be a bit thirsty to run for round town driving.
Something to concider if your wife covers a few town miles.

chebry, Oct 21, 4:17am
Thats a $500 car with new WOF and 3 months rego delivered.

lynkyn, Oct 24, 5:53am
HONDA CIVIC.Had 1995 model (1992 shape, would have been last of these prior to new shape).12 yrs since 50,000km.Now 250,000km.
Regular serviced; tyres; and brake pads done. New drivers seat belt.Recently wheel bearing. Great car. Drives well - just sits on the road. Yes, its a little tired- likes a little oil from time to time and air con packed up (its a nz new exi model so had air, and leather - wipe down seats).
If you get a manual great resale with the young ones fancing being boy racers.

tgray, Oct 25, 10:42pm
I remember the 80's.just.

countrypete, Oct 25, 11:18pm
If you can remember the 60's you weren't there.

arrithedog, Oct 26, 2:06am
Cefiro all the way. Never had a problem with mine, apart from the Mrs kept getting it stuck in fields doing rural visits, so we got a 4x4. Otherwise we would have kept it. Like we have our other car, Nissan Largo.