What is car worth.

shars100, Nov 2, 8:33pm
How do u find out what your car is worth.I know it wont be much but I have no idea where to start.
1992 Honda Integra184,000KmNo WOF or RegOil Leaks
needs 2 tyres

Runs fine.body straight.no rust.

curlcrown, Nov 2, 8:35pm
is it only the tyres needed for a W.O.F! and how bad are the oil leaks. Its not worth much without a W.O.F.

bellky, Nov 2, 8:35pm
you could have a look at what others are asking for theirs

shars100, Nov 2, 8:38pm
Won't pass the WOF because of the oil leaks.so I'm not bothering doing the tyres.I have bought a new car.nah won't put it for $1 reserve, I know wreckers will pay $500.it has new cambelt and water pump

vtecintegra, Nov 2, 8:45pm
Depends on the model - if its a manual VTEC it'll be worth considerably more than a basic one.

bellky, Nov 2, 8:47pm
must be pretty bad oil leaks!

tgray, Nov 2, 8:49pm
$1000 as it is and $1500 with a WOF

advantage001, Nov 2, 8:50pm
Your Integra is worth between $1200 to $1500 on TradeMe, get a new WOF and clean it up and you could get as high as $2000.

kcf, Nov 2, 9:00pm
about a grand is a reasonable ballpark.

trogedon, Nov 2, 10:21pm
I'd get a pair of the cheapest (safe) tyres and have them fitted and take it for a WOF so the buyer knows there is only (ok, a bigger problem) 1 wof thing to worry about.

trdbzr, Jan 24, 11:47am
How bad are the oil leaks and what engine and transmission does it have! These two factors can affect the price range you should expect.