Does a car have to have a W.O.F when selling

snakeynzone, Oct 25, 5:03pm
these days!

tazcsv, Oct 25, 5:09pm
Do a search and you will find lots of threads about this. Short answer no if its a private sale but it must be stated to the buyer and signed on paper.

tigra, Oct 25, 7:07pm
Theoretically Dealers have to sell a car with a WoF no older than 30days however there are ways around this.

tgray, Oct 25, 7:24pm
Must be under 28 days.
I am trying to think why a dealer would want to get around this, rather than just update the WOF.

meathead_timaru, Oct 25, 9:15pm
Trades in that won't get a WoF without it costing them more than it's worth in labour but a handy person could buy the car and do the repairs themselves - win-win for both parties.