My Jeep failed it's warrant today. Ugg!

kiwi_fisherman, Oct 26, 6:53am
Left hand draglink. been the same for the last 3 warrants. Suppose practice make perfect lol. Anyway rang Repco. Couldnt find the part on the computer. Supercheap Nothing available. BNT nothing available from their suppliers either. Phone the Dealers in Palm North. None in NZ but we can order you one in from the Mothership. $400 pus GST. Got on Ebay. $50 NZ including free delivery from the UK. About 10 days and with the usual car parts guarantee same as OEM parts.

a18a, Oct 26, 8:10am
and people wonder why we don't buy locally

franc123, Oct 26, 1:40pm
Whats worse is that even if you choose to pay the regular ripoff price locally when a part has to be ordered in from offshore there is often a three week wait, some of the dealers and the manufacturers they represent need to sharpen up their systems and processes if they want to supply and survive in the local market. It seems that being in a far flung corner of the earth like NZ is you don't matter to the big boys, this is especially so with the lower volume (here at least) euro makes. Totally unacceptable in this day and age when your needs can be met for a fraction of the price from aftermarket suppliers from the UK and USA who are frankly much more cooperative and efficient.

bevharris1938, Oct 26, 1:56pm
Try your local wrecker , if they dont have it get them to put a parts finder callout out for you.

offrd1, Oct 26, 2:33pm
Try this guy he is amazing and will have the part at a very reasonable price.Greg Hopkins, Whangarie he sells Rugged Ridge parts,he is a Jeep google off road specialties new zealand and his contact details will show up.i could give you a number but trademe won't allow

wellyguynz, Oct 26, 7:09pm
went to repco for an exaust manifold gasket fot toyota camry they wanted $60 At BNt they were $15

llortmt, Oct 26, 7:54pm
So you have know about this defect for at least 18 months and only now look into the price and availability of parts.
Sorry I'm all out of sympathy LOL

ema1, Oct 27, 3:40am
I bought 3 transponder keys (blanks) Toyota brand identical to my original for my Toyota Avalon from USA and the they cost me $16 USD that included the postage from USA.
Got them cut to same as original and "signed" them on tomy cars system easy to do.( One for wifey and a couple of spares.)
Toyota NZ quoted me around 4 times plus for only one transponder key (blank) go figure .I also say why the hell buy local when you can get stuff way way cheaper from overseas.
NZ in lots of ways is a total rip off. aw but then how many times does our "illustrious NOT"GOVT get to clip the ticket one way or another before the purchaser at the end of the line actually buys stuff here! One thing for sure is you don't get to hear much about the customs and excise tax plus all the other taxes plus GST how many times the GOVT rakes in before the public actually buys anything in this country.
Land Of MilkHoneyPfffft be buggered That's A Myth

ema1, Oct 27, 3:40am
I bought 3 transponder keys (blanks) Toyota brand identical to my original for my Toyota Avalon from USA and the they cost me $16 USD that included the postage from USA.
Got them cut to same as original and "signed" them on tomy cars system easy to do.( One for wifey and a couple of spares.)
Toyota NZ quoted me around 4 times plus for only one transponder key (blank) go figure .I also say why the hell buy local when you can get stuff way way cheaper from overseas.
NZ in lots of ways is a total rip off. aw but then how many times does our "illustrious NOT"GOVT get to clip the ticket one way or another before the purchaser at the end of the line actually buys stuff here! One thing for sure is you don't get to hear much about the customs and ecise tax plus all the other taxes plus GST how many times the GOVT rakes in before the public actually buys anything in this country.
Land Of MilkHoneyPfffft be buggered That's A Myth

jason18, Oct 27, 3:45am
Sadly I pretty much buy nothing from NZ anymore ven including postage you can usually get anything way cheaper from the US and Aussie. Usually arrives quicker too!

ema1, Oct 27, 3:47am
Ain't that the truth, proved that fact many a time.

kiwi_fisherman, Oct 27, 10:45pm
llortmt. Was not looking for sympathy. And regardless of when I ordered it 18 months ago or now price here would have been the same. Not paying a ripoff price. Either way. As the Jeep Dealer Parts Guy said it's a no brainer. Definately not a Mopar part but with the same warranty. and roughly 1/8 of the price. He said I would be amazed at just how much stuff was purchased for Jeeps on Ebay rather than customers paying gold plated prices.

supernova2, Oct 27, 11:28pm
Is there some reason that the local dealer dosen't see the light and start buying on ebay etc for their customers!.After all the customer will never know all s/he wants is the part to fix the problem.I needed a primera part once and the local nissan man said you want genuine or aftermarket.Interestingly the aftermarket was ex stock , genuine was ex japan.that what I call intellegent.Nissan got the sale.

Now if the dealers for Jeeps (I'm guessing their aren't many) got aftermarket at a reasonable price then surely thats a win/win.They still get a sale and their customer gets what he needs without any hassel and will probably come back again next time.

I've priced genuine retail from Europe on occassions and even then (including freight etc) its still bucket loads cheeper than NZ prices.Maybe franchise dealers here should look at that option too.

offrd1, Oct 28, 12:55am
READ MY POST ABOVE,there is someone here where you can buy Jeep parts in NZ for a very reasonable price.i deal with him all the time.prices are amazing .check him out

unbeatabull, Oct 28, 12:57am
Did you try Autolign! I bet they would of had it instock and at a reasonable price.

kiwi_fisherman, Oct 28, 3:40am
No I havent tried him this time offrd1 and unbeatabull but if I need something else I will try them. I have already ordered the part on Saturday morning. Today Sunday when I got home this afternoon I checked my mail and the part was marked as shipped with a tracking. Some others along with myself will be interested to see just how long it takes to get here.
The Factory is in Taiwan called (autoprochassis) and have been running for 20yrs. All they make is suspension parts. Probably make a lot of parts for car manufacturers too.

kiwi_fisherman, Oct 31, 4:54am
Ok well as I said it was marked shipped on Sunday. Arrived today Wednesday lunchtime. Had I lived in Auckland I probably would have recieved it yesterday. Pretty good service and all for only $58 delivered.
I see it also has a Grease nipple so no problems with it drying out and alowing air and crap into it. Mechanic is going to fit it tomorrow. Funny enough I was reading a 2006 Popular Mechanics at work this evening and it actually said it there that aftermarket ball joints etc; with grease nipples fitted are a better option than OEM stuff that dries out wears and lets in the above. All of their shipping is Free worldwide.
Name is autoprochassis.comThe range of stuff they carry for a huge range of vehicles and suspension is amazing.
Hope somebody else can save some money using this Manufacturer.