Preparing Car for Respray over old paint

drew2009, Nov 5, 7:27pm
I have a 1993 honda painted in factory paint with some peeling clearcoat that i would like to fully respray without stripping back to bare metal.
Would i have to sand off the clearcoat over the whole car!
Or just in the affected areas!
What is the best way to prep this car for a respray without stripping off all the old paint!
Any product Recommendations!

drew2009, Nov 5, 7:29pm
The factory paint is still holding on just fine with no problems, car has no bog or nasties its just the clearcoat that is peeling.

grangies, Nov 5, 7:37pm
Just sand back the ruined clear coat nice and smooth and primer coat those areas.

The rest of the paint can be painted straight over, after sanding with 320-500 dry on a proper D.A sander. Or wet sanded with 600-800 wet paper.

What colour is the car!, as some colours are difficult to spray, if you are not experienced and can cause you a lot of grief. Paint is expensive.

drew2009, Nov 5, 7:43pm
Its charcoal and i will be respraying in black, so no biggy. Any other colour paint would be dam hard to spray over without the old colour showing through.

ceebee2, Nov 5, 7:49pm
Make sure youcut back all the clear on THAT panel not just where it has flaked as the new clear will peel off. I have sprayed many parts of cars and you definitely need to score all the clear in that panel. For the novice I suggest you do all the hard work of rubbing it down and take it to a spray painter for the Pro job unless you are prepared to have to re-rub it down if you muck it up.

grangies, Nov 5, 7:49pm
2pot black solid colour!. No metallics in the black!

Please don't take this the wrong way, just be honest LOL.

Is the car a shitter! That you just want to flick black, to freshen it up!

If so, just sand the whole thing withg 400 wet and smooth up the broken edges of the clearcoat with the 400 and just paint straight over everything.

It's not the perfect way to do it, but meh. LOL.

drew2009, Nov 5, 7:56pm
Havent decided what type of paint to use yet. Probably 2 pot black or even something more basic, no metalics or anything like that.
I would like to get a decent finish so will be primeing at least some of it.
I wouldn't call it a shitter it is actually very straight and a good runner, the paint does need freshening up though it would do it wonders.

drew2009, Nov 5, 8:00pm
Thanks mate. I have painted a few things before with a spraygun (a mini i was working on years ago, and spray painted concrete tilt slab walls for a while labouring)
Painting is not exactly my specialty but i will give it a go.

grangies, Nov 5, 8:03pm

Just bear in mind that the areas of paint on the vehicle that are still good are best left un-primed and just sanded.

Priming good paint that justs needs to be keyed up (sanded) is actually detrimental to your finish, as it is just adding unnecessary paint film built to the vehicle.

Once you get to a certain amount of paint on a panel, the more you add the bigger the chips / deeper the scratches etc, due to the thick brittleness of the surface.

drew2009, Nov 5, 8:08pm
Sweet thanks for the advice

poppajn, Nov 5, 8:11pm
Ow, mate she,s a pretty big job.

richard198, Nov 6, 1:29am
Old clear must go. I use a razor to lift the clear. (saves a lot of sanding!)

trogedon, Nov 6, 3:13am
The last car I painted the clearcoat was lifting. I scraped as much as I could off then 400 grit on my DA (as much as I could ??

trogedon, Feb 4, 10:02am
Do you know anything! DA sanders are good things. Lazy people! No just people who don't want to waste time doing what a machine can do. 1/2 sheets don't fit on sanding pads made for 1/3 sheets.