Pocket motorcycle.or monkey motor bike

fryan1962, Nov 8, 12:21am
Their has been one riding around on the road.I saw pc plod he was in traffic group.I asked can these bikes be registered.I said I am surprised to hear that as I did not think they would meet nz standards in oz ADR.he said oh know it all depends on cc.which nearly had me falling over laughing.such a shame they do not know the rules I thanked him for him time.
I saw bike latter in the day ran plate in car jam stolen scooter.he has it on this chopper

nzdoug, Nov 8, 12:36am
What chopper!
Was the monkey riding it!

fryan1962, Nov 8, 12:48am
I checked in google they are called pocket bike or monkey bike

not so much a monkey riding it but a clown

dr.doolittle, Nov 8, 12:48am
I bet if I was to be a smart arse & ask you a random question about law or what ever you do for a living the answer would be hilarious too.
I cant for the life of me understand why dipshits expect the frontline police to know EVERY law or 'rule' there ever was.

Get my point.

kazbanz, Nov 8, 12:50am
Fryan-could you please educate me on the current rules regarding 49.5cc displacement or smaller vehicles and their legality on the roads!
I can tell you that a genuine honda "monkey" bike is 100% legal despite its diminutive size.-provided it has current rego of course

cabrio1, Nov 8, 12:56am
if anyone has a link to a monkey on a pocket bike, that would be worth seeing. Or a monkey on a chopper with ape hangers, keen to see that also.

fryan1962, Nov 8, 12:58am
I bet if I was to be a smart arse & ask you a random question about law or what ever you do for a living the answer would be hilarious too.
I cant for the life of me understand why dipshits expect the frontline police to know EVERY law or 'rule' there ever was.

Get my point.

Edited by dr.doolittle at 7:54 pm, Thu 8 Nov

dr.doolittle (252 )7:48 pm, Thu 8 Nov #4

why are you calling me a dip shit
he was from traffic management not a general pc plod
my job did require me to know the law and I had to be able to recite it in court.failure to do so would have seen me in a lot of trouble
thanks for asking

fryan1962, Nov 8, 1:00am
I know you are a bike guy so i will take it as correct thank you

dr.doolittle, Nov 8, 1:04am
No, sorry fyran, I'm not calling you a dipshit.
I too have been in a position where you have to know & quote the 'Law' but have had the benefit of preparation.
"I saw pc plod he was in traffic group." lead me to believe it was a roadside encounter.
Sorry again if I upset you.

fryan1962, Nov 8, 1:08am
Yup been on google seen a few and this one does not match the description
The one I described to police had long forks

pitchey, Nov 8, 4:31am
Mini choppers! If their under 50cc I believe they can be rego'd as a scooter, I've seen a couple around.

gadgit3, Nov 8, 12:35pm
Used to be. laws have changed now and a "moped" needs to be complied first. witch most (all) chineese mini choppers / pocket bikes will not meet standards.
I had a road regestered pocket bike once. All I had to do before the law change was go into AA Express fill out some forms and they handed me the plate

kazbanz, Nov 8, 9:42pm
Ahh yea but --all those hundreds of rego'd "scooters with live rego can still be reregistered. Its only new rego's thjat need an entry inspection