Why put a "For Sale" sign on a car.

curlcrown, Nov 9, 5:50pm
Often I see "For Sale" in huge letters followed by a price and a phone number in small lettering. Why not just put the price and ph number in large letters! The fact that is for sale becomes obvious.

ralphdog1, Nov 9, 5:53pm
That has always mystified me too.

intrade, Nov 9, 6:01pm
to get the interest and lurke the person closer to sell it for the overpriced small printed asking price

brigette6, Nov 9, 6:37pm
Boy racers do it even tho their car isnt really for sale (for the right offer it is). its to broadcast their phone numbers to chicks

bellky, Nov 9, 6:41pm
I think brigette6 has nailed it :)

loose.unit8, Nov 9, 6:55pm
#1's point still stands though - surely the phone number is still the most important thing

whqqsh, Nov 9, 7:14pm
I asked the same some time ago & got nothing but crap for it (both here & in general) funny how times (or groups) change

whqqsh, Nov 9, 7:15pm
if I cant read the price when driving past I dont bother even stopping

xpfairmont, Nov 9, 7:33pm
Kind of like a classified that says $0 on the heading, then the over priced price is at the bottom of the ad' text.

xpfairmont, Nov 9, 7:34pm
or "mag's not included". When they're the only thing the car has going for it.

elect70, Nov 9, 8:13pm
If just the price& ph#others may think you arewhore &thats yourhourly rate .

_peas, Nov 9, 9:28pm
A few thousand an hour for whoring!. Hmmmm

n1smo_gtir, Nov 10, 1:50am
believe it or not that's how much that streaker Lisa lewis charges according to the paper a while back.

rbd, Nov 10, 2:29am
She wasn't a streaker, she had a bikini on. Doesn't count.

Fanastic example of becoming famous for no reason whatsoever.

nzdoug, Nov 10, 5:03am
TXT generastion see KLR
u no wut i meen

franc123, Nov 10, 12:10pm
Thats the one, the car is for sale if a bunny with enough cash comes along, whats between the drivers legs is possibly available to borrow, again if the right bunny comes along.