How to remove cigarrette smell from car

infinityjrc, Nov 17, 10:47pm
Hi can anyone tell me a foolproof way of ridding the used car I have purchased from the smell of old cigarette smoke; I find it horrible. Any helpful tips would be very gratefully accepted.

muzzaandmich, Nov 17, 10:55pm
Kick out the driver .ops!Just spray vinegar into the carwhen it disapates no smell works good if anyone is sick but remember to clean up first

kazbanz, Nov 17, 11:03pm
Op --take it back to the dealership you bought it from and ask them to do it. -Not being sarky but its the easiest for you solution.
Otherwise you should shampoo all carpets,ceiling and seats. then wash all the plastic surfaces with a good disinfectant. Dont forget to scrub the ashtrays and open any pockets etc and wash those--basicly the more nicotine you wash out the better.
This is the first step.
Second step if that doesn't work is to start taking the insides of the cabin to bits. I have literally stripped a cabin down to bare metal and washed every exposed metal surface then got in and scrubbed every plastic surface. Waterblasted and then shampooed all carpets,rooflinings and fabric surfaces.
You will get people yabbering on about a majic neutraliser. Nothing works on heavy nicotine smells like a deep clean

edangus, Nov 17, 11:42pm
Make sure you change all the aircon filters and have the aircon cleaned/conditioned. It is a sod

cowlover, Nov 17, 11:58pm
Our aircon had a layer of almost solid dust and grime on the radiator bit inside the car.Took some getting off but also made it far more efficient.Bigist problem for us was finding it and geting to it under the dash.

the-saint1, Nov 18, 12:08am
Set it on fire.problem solved!

trogedon, Nov 18, 12:08am
I had a car that smelt of fags (the.oh, nevermind). I took out the seats & carpets and had a carpet cleaner come and clean them. I also cleaned all the plastic etc. It still smelt bad especially on a hot day with the windows up. I sold it soon after that ;-)

xpfairmont, Nov 18, 12:20am
drive around with the windows down for 5 years. or smoke a joint in it

tgray, Nov 18, 12:46am
90% of the smell is coming from the carpets and the ash tray.
Take the ash tray out and put it in a bucket of boiling water and dishwashing liquid overnight. It will smell of roses the next morning.
Take out the floor mats and throw them away.
Sprinkle 'shake and vac' on the floors and seats and pat with your palm to disperse the granules. DO NOT VAC!
All the smoke smell will now be gone.
As a registered dealer, I have done this many times and it works.

incar., Nov 18, 2:07am

greta29, Nov 18, 2:49pm
get sum febreze from the supermarket that works well

ken171, Nov 18, 4:42pm
Ya spray all the seats and carpet with Febreze [Extra strength] it really works well.

sirdoug, Nov 18, 6:06pm
Soak two tea towels in white vinegar. Fold up and leave under front seats for a couple of days with all window shut.

trogedon, Nov 19, 12:12am
Ok, but how will the dishes get dried!!

sirdoug, Nov 19, 12:18am
Simple. throw the vinegar soaked tea towels out and buy a pack of new ones,(Very cheap).If thatsa problem you need to get a job.