Car missing presumed stolen?

garpers2, Nov 21, 12:56am
Hi I think my car has been swiped. Last seen in wellington at Tory st carpark at around 7 am 21 Nov. Went to pick it up after work to find an empty space. Checked the parking building and nothing.Its a 1994 ford laser tx3i maroon registration WE 5638. has damage to RR corner as well as a badly fitting familia front bumper.
027 7588829

tuttyclan, Nov 21, 1:05am
Have you informed your local police station.If its been towed away then I think the police will be able to inform you of that.

splinter67, Nov 21, 2:09am
I hope you didnt pay for the parking before you discovered it gone do they have cameras

sr2, Nov 21, 4:18am
LOL; love the post mate! Brings back memories (35 years ago) of ringing around my mates on Sunday morning asking ???has anyone seen my car!???

nightboss, Nov 23, 12:57am
About time for an update garpers2, did your car turn up or still lost!

n1smo_gtir, Nov 23, 2:19am
if it's those wilson's carpark your car prob most likely be at their pound,

garpers2, Nov 23, 2:50pm
Hi guys
thanks for the messages, just been busy you know work etc. No updates at all so Ipresume the car has gone and that its been stripped for parts. Police had been notified on the day ( hadnt been towed) but havent heard/seen anything. Have a few mates looking but so far nothing.TBH i dont expect to see it again

garpers2, Nov 23, 2:53pm
Also there was footage of it leaving Wilson parking tory st sometime between 730am and 500pm 21/11/12 on the one camera in the entire building. but they wont say when due to the privacy act. seems crims also have rights.

bellky, Nov 23, 2:57pm
They wont even give a time. that's crazy.

Maybe the Police would recognise the offenders if they saw the footage.