Is it a new policy of used car ?

david2468, Nov 22, 10:53pm
not older than 2007 ! Is it true ! Is it already applied !

gammelvind, Nov 22, 10:54pm
Please again, so we know what you are actually asking.

saxman99, Nov 22, 10:57pm
Yes.All cars older than 2007 are now banned in NZ.You must upgrade before 2013 if your car is older than this.Penalty is 100 lashes.

kazbanz, Nov 22, 11:02pm
David you are getting confused a bit I think
effective 1/1/2012 all fresh import cars had to meet euro4 or the equivilant.
The Jap version is the 3 digit emmission codes.
So SOME cars as old as 2004 can come in whilst others don't meet euro 4 untill 2007.
its basicly old news now.

gammelvind, Nov 22, 11:08pm
I like Saxmans aswer better Kaz.

david2468, Nov 22, 11:27pm
thx Kazbanz