Jmma, a.woodrow, harry353,snoopy, I brought a car

butterfly2041, Dec 6, 1:38pm
I took your advice made the offer 1800 for the initial corolla, he turned me down.but like you said ild car high ks, so I left it, took my time, I found an 87 corolla 5speed, 3 cylynder hatch, 187000ks, An 87 yr old ex mechanic had it, cant show you the link cos its expired, but I took it to mechanic he said it was a great car no problems, paint job like new no dents or sctaches or rust, been so lookes after interior like new and engine clean and runs sooo well, (may need a new tire next warrant & a back shock at some stage) anyway paid 2000. I am so grateful for this thread! and you ppl for all your time sobig thanks :) :) jmma if you ever come to Dunners for an event or something and need accomadation hit me up ok, or even to catch up, You ppl Rock

jmma, Dec 6, 2:32pm
Good on you for being patient, I'm thinking you mean 3 door, not 3 cyl. Might be that you are just excited with the new wheels. Sounds puuurfect.
Good motoring and will keep offer in mind, have a good xmas and enjoy the car.

kazbanz, Dec 6, 2:35pm
Good news butterfly.-
Not being negative for a second but I'd suggest whilst you have the spare money buy a set of rear shocks and a pair of tyres.Put the new tyreson the front and you'll be good for years of driving. -Keep the good tyre as your spare

the-lada-dude, Dec 6, 4:14pm
OH NO ! not again,your a good dude kazbanz, but is this honestly the best advise !

doomy999, Dec 6, 4:37pm
yep, Im with kaz. new tyres on front.

splinter67, Dec 6, 4:54pm
Hmm front wheel drive and thats where you steer them from traction and steering or would you put them on the wheels that get towed around holding the back of the car up

mugenb20b, Dec 6, 5:22pm
$2k for a 26 year old Tojo.!

theram1, Dec 6, 5:24pm
count your fingers again.

phillip.weston, Dec 6, 5:26pm
So you wouldn't pay $2000 for a 93 Corolla yet you paid that for one 6 years and two generations older!

mugenb20b, Dec 6, 5:32pm
It's a month away from being 26 years old, so I decided to round the figures to show what a "deal" the OP got.

kazbanz, Dec 6, 5:32pm
What am I missing here! the car is coming up for new tyres. So buy a new pair of tyres and fit the new tyres to the wheels that do most of the braking,all of the steering and get the power to the ground. Fit the best of the rest onto the back but keep the third best tyre as the spare
False economy to fit just one shock absorber so fit a new pair which will improve handling and tyre wear
--I can't see what is wrong with that advice

the-lada-dude, Dec 6, 5:36pm
so your saying the shitty tires on the back will faithfully follow the car around, no matter what.from personal experience, I would venture to say that average joe hunt would be in a better position with good tyres at the rear, F or R wheel drive. better still is good tyres at each cnr

jmma, Dec 6, 6:07pm
Don't read to much into the negitives here butterfly, cars are dearer down south, I agree with kaz's advice, but listen to your mechanic and build a good relationship with him.
The main thing is that you are happy with your new car, enjoy your Toyota experience, I have a 90 Corolla BTWand wouldn't part with it (o:

phillip.weston, Dec 6, 6:11pm
^^ This times a million. Spot on.

splinter67, Dec 6, 6:26pm
Yes I am saying that and yes new tyres all round would be the best

the-lada-dude, Dec 6, 7:05pm
mmmmm.ok,so this we know is not a new topic. someone here posted a good video clip ( long time ago ) of cars on a test track, ( USA ) prrretty sure they had F & R wheel drive & wet/dry testing. good front / worn back, tyres & visa versa, I'm going to be an arrogant prick and say so far phillip and I are the

kazbanz, Dec 6, 7:36pm
WOA COWBOY --back up the ol mare there.
Where has anyone for a nanosecond said fit shitty tyres anywhere!
I'm offering specific advice in reply to the OP
The O poster said that 3 of four tyres were in good condition -actually they diddn'tbut it was implied in saying that one tyre was due for replacement and the car was owned by a mechanic.
So fitting brand new tyres on the front of a FWD means that when the fronts are getting close to worn out the rears are going to be about the same.

the-lada-dude, Dec 6, 8:30pm
well gawd dang it!that there, is a topsy, turvey tired tyred tangle tongue twisting ting to say.I'm allowed to slightly misinterpret the original blurb,
& I don't care if he's got 3 good tyres and one up his jacksie,plus an electric shock,I say that the best tyres should be on the back. !all things being equal

jmma, Dec 6, 8:37pm
When you buy a new car, there is this thing called a Honeymoon period, that's when you are in love with it and want to hear nice things (o:
So anyone want to say nice things about butterflys new car!

budgel, Dec 6, 8:43pm
It is a long way from here.

Congratulations on making a good purchase!

splinter67, Dec 6, 10:52pm
What is your reasoning for this please explain
and op well done for getting a car