Does anyone know about car stereos?

shakirafan, Dec 20, 2:44am
Probably a stupid question BUT I have a Panasonic CQ-RX102W stereo and the aux cable tip has broken off inside the jack and I cannot for the life of me, get it out. It's wedged in at a funny angle, the jack can't be accessed from the back either.

So it has a removable face plate, will another model face plate fit on to the existing head unit or do I need to buy a whole new stereo!

My current stereo model was discontinued so can't find an exact replacement.

I'm guessing I will have to buy a new stereo. Thanks :-)

bevharris1938, Dec 20, 2:46am
get a strong magnet, maybe use a speaker magnet , find something metal that fits in the hole, attach the metal piece to the magnet and poke it in the hole (of the stereo) lol

carmad50, Dec 20, 2:50am
shak mate take it out and out it on trademe for 50 bucks head to ur local pawn shop or cashys and get another stereo for 60 bucks and put itor I can set up a auction for one of my ones to sell you!

carmad50, Dec 20, 2:50am
panasonic cq discontinued sad good stereos they are

shakirafan, Dec 20, 2:51am
Thanks for the idea but I don't want a used stereo.

carmad50, Dec 20, 2:58am
can sellu a new one then

carmad50, Dec 20, 2:58am
3 times the price of a used one thoe

kamitchell, Dec 20, 6:24am
So I take it the socket is in the face plate. Either you if you are confident or find someone and you should be able to dismantle the face plate and hopefully remove the broken pin or replace the socket.

shakirafan, Dec 20, 11:24am
Yes it is. I have removed the back to take it to pieces but it's all soldered together right where the jack is, so I can't get into it. I'll take it somewhere to see if someone who knows what they are doing can fix it.


carmad50, Dec 20, 12:11pm
well u cud buy a 2nd hand one with the same model and there s heaps of them around with the same faceplate and just swap the face plate over , certainly a cheaper way of doing it
or I can sell u a new or 2nd hand great stereo

shakirafan, Dec 20, 1:00pm
I've looked into this option.


arrithedog, Dec 20, 4:48pm
Buy a new one. If you time it right, you can get a decent new Sony from supercheap for under a hundred bucks.

carmad50, Dec 20, 4:56pm
theres heap s of these on trademe auctions aye just buy one orlook at supercheap or repco bond n bond noels harveys all selll same model

thejazzpianoma, Dec 20, 5:09pm
I would suggest you replace it with a different brand. Clearly the good people at Panasonic have designed this as a "Shakira Failsafe" in an effort to protect the good of humanity.

Other more unscrupulous brands may not have this incompatibility issue.

studio1, Dec 20, 5:24pm
Any electronics technician should be able to remove the broken piece or replace the socket if need be. Just remember the hourly charge-out rate of most techs is $60+ so it could be a bit pricey depending on how long it takes.

shakirafan, Dec 20, 10:19pm

shakirafan, Dec 20, 10:25pm
Cool thank you :-)

studio1, Dec 21, 12:39am
If you were a little closer I'd say drop it round and I'd do it as a Christmas goodwill for you :)

chevcamaro, Dec 21, 12:51am
santa did it

noswalg, Dec 21, 12:52am
I would say a bit of superglue on some heavy gauge fishing line might be a start, poke it in the hole, make contact with broken pin. When glue is set get a needle or likewise in there to manipulate position of pin and with a bit of luck you'll be able to pull it out. (remember to have your tongue in the right position)

noswalg, Dec 21, 12:53am
seriously, do you find that quote funny! Pretty sad if you do.