Adding remote central locking

rpvr, Dec 25, 4:25pm
Bought a little cheapy runabout (1998 Toyota Corsa) which has manual central locking, and I would like to add a remote. I see there are kits available, and also alarm kits with this function. Not fussed about the alarm, but just wondering if this may be the best option! Also, how easy is DIY installation of either the remote locking kits only, or the alarm kits! Any comments gratefully accepted.

kazbanz, Dec 25, 6:32pm
If its got door motors-ie theres a switch inside the door you push to operate all three/five locks then its really easy.
Think it through -flick the switch one way-closes a circuit and door motor locks. flick it the other way and it unlocks.
feed the kit straight offthe wires to that switch and bingo you have remote central locking.
_Yep its not quite that smple but with your model its pretty easy to do